Jessica Stanely

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"Blythe!" Bella screamed.

Not even thinking of what the scream could be about I ran downstairs in search of an escape. Luckily I found my father.

"Get behind me!" He held his arms in front of him. "Your mother warned me about this. I'm prepared."

"It's not a battle, Dad," I said quietly. "It's just Bella."

Bella came stomping down the stairs. "You are a humongous liar!"

"Bella calm down. I'm sure you can talk about this civilly. Like the nice young ladies you are." Charlie gulped. He moved closer to her so she couldn't get closer to me.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"You can't do that Bells. If you murder her, I'll lose both of my daughters. She'll be dead and I'll have to put you in jail." Charlie reminded her.

"I don't care!" Bella hurled herself at me, but Charlie blocked her.

"What did I do?" I backed up against a wall.

"You slept with Jessica Stanley twice!" Bella yelled.

I was confused as to why it was coming up now. "I didn't mean to! It was ages ago!"

"You didn't mean to?" My answer didn't quell her anger.

"I wasn't in the right state of mind!"

"What do you mean by that?" Charlie turned to me with a raised eyebrow. Bella was able to slip past him but he quickly grabbed her. While he struggled to get a hold of her, I ran to the other side of Charlie.

"Why would you hurt her like that?" Bella asked.

"What are you talking about? She wanted me to sleep with her." I crossed my arms.

"But you ignored her afterward. You left her heartbroken. You promised me you would stop doing that!" Bella said.

I rolled my eyes thinking about the times I slept with Bella's friends. They were all 'heartbroken' afterward and constantly cried to her about it.

"Is that what she told you?"

"That's what she's telling the whole school!" Bella threw a sock at me but I was able to dodge it.

"She what?" My mouth gaped open.

The doorbell rang.

"Get the door, Bella, it's probably your boyfriend." I hoped Edward could calm her down.

It was Rosalie instead.


"Oh hello," Bella said, breathless. "Blythe is kind of busy, right now."

"No, I'm not!" I ran to get the door, hoping Bella wouldn't attack me in front of someone else.

Rosalie was standing at the door with a bunch of flowers. "Are these for me?" I reached for them but Rosalie took a step back.

"These are for your father. I have something else for you." Rosalie told me. I was confused as to why Rosalie would be giving my father flowers.

"Flowers? What's going on?" Charlie slightly pushed me to the side.

Rosalie handed him a small bouquet of Sweet Williams. "I wanted to speak with you, Sir. Can I come in?"

"Sir? There's no need for that you can call me Charlie." Charlie stepped aside to let Rosalie in. "What's this about? Did Blythe do something wrong?"

"Gee, thanks, Dad," I muttered.

"No, not at all." Rosalie shook her head. "I actually wanted to inform you that your daughter and I are dating. And I wanted to check in and make sure that's alright with you."

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