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TW: Violence, Drugging 

I paced around the locker room. For some reason standing still seemed quite complicated. "I don't want to do this. I can barely stand up."

Crystal handed me a water bottle. "That's because you are anxious. Just relax."

"That's impossible to do." I stared at the water bottle quizzingly. I snatched it from her and chugged it down. I hoped that it would help with the heat I was feeling but even the cold bottle of water couldn't help.

I went back to pacing.

"You're burning out your energy," Crystal told me. "You should really sit down."

I was about to say something when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Are you ready?" Jimothy asked.

"No," I answered truthfully. I wasn't ready, something was seriously wrong with me. Something besides fear, and I had no idea what it could have been.

"She's ready," Crystal told Jimothy.

"She's sweating a lot, is she sick?" He looked at me with a concerned look on his face.

"No, I put some speed in her juice. Just like you told me to." Crystal assured him. He just winced in response.

"Speed? As in the drug?" My mouth gaped open. "What the fuck Crystal?"

She attempted to dismiss my worry with a simple shoulder pat. "Relax you'll be fine. It makes you faster and more concentrated. You'll win this fight."

I suddenly found it hard to breathe. The most I had done was smoke weed, and even then it was never enough to green out. "I've never taken speed or any hard drug before. I don't know how it affects me. I could die."

"Don't be so fucking dramatic, Bly. Breathe." Crystal said.

"Look I handled the dosage and stuff. I've slipped it to you twice before, you'll be perfectly fine." Jimothy said.

I thought back to all the times I had felt different... altered before. It was never this bad but it was definitely more than twice. "Twice?"

"I got it from a trusted source you will be okay. You're on in a minute or two so start walking to the stage." Jimothy said.

"Remember, just bre-" Crystal started.

I grabbed her by the neck and slammed her into a locker. She fought against my hand but it was no use, I was stronger than her. I was a trained boxer after all. "If I ever see you again. I will kill you."

Jimory tapped my shoulder. "Blythe save the lover's quarrel for later. Money is out there waiting for us. Remember you want to buy Isabella some new shoes for her birthday?"

I let go of Crystal who fell to her knees, holding her neck and sobbing. I turned to Jimory and pointed. "After this, I'm done. I'm done with both of you. Forever."

I opened my eyes, relieved that my dream, well flashback, had ended at that moment. There was nothing else I wanted to remember or relive. Hell, if I had control over it I wouldn't have thought about that at all.

"We're going to be late." Bella leaned against my doorframe. She was already dressed and ready to go to school. I immediately checked my phone to see if there were any calls or texts from Rosalie. It was odd to find that there were none.

"Yeah, Edward didn't come to pick me up either." Bella sounded concerned.

I sighed already assuming the worst.

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