Clearing Up Rumors

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I walked into the library, enjoying the free period that I had. Gym was canceled so I decided to get my homework done for the day. Luckily I remembered my MP3 player and my earphones.

I was pretty deep into my Physics homework when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I just took out one of the earbuds to signal that I wanted the person to talk. I was practically done with my homework and I wasn't planning on stopping.

"What are you doing?" Mike Newton peered over my shoulder. I moved a little signaling that I needed a little space. He moved and sat on the table.

"My work." I didn't bother looking at him.

"Oh."  He said awkwardly. There was silence for a while before he spoke again. "I kind of have a question to ask you."

"Go ahead." I flipped over my paper and looked at the remaining questions I needed to finish. I didn't have many left.

"I kind of need your attention," Mike said.

"Oh." I looked up at him. He just sat there awkwardly. My favorite song started to play and I found myself a bit irritated with him.  I'd rather listen to Fergie sing rather than speak to Mike. "Spit it out, Mike, my favorite song is playing."

"You can pause it. Here." He grabbed my MP3 player.

"Don't touch it. Put it down." I commanded. He dropped it as if it was coated in lava.

"Oh sorry." Mike scratched his neck and sent me his signature smile. "Will you go to prom with me?"

"Are you serious?" I deadpanned. He bothered me so he could give some weak-ass promposal?

"Well, yeah." He smiled, not understanding that I was going to reject him.

"I can't," I said simply before turning back to my homework. I thought the conversation was concluded.

"Why not?" Mike pouted.

I sighed and looked back at him. He looked pathetic, sitting there all sad. "I don't want to go to prom."

"At all?" He looked surprised.

"With you." I corrected. I wanted to go to prom, I was even trying to find a way for Bella to attend without complaining.

"Oh." Mike looked at his hands like a sad puppy. I felt a little bad for breaking his heart.

"It's not you, it's me. I'm gay." I told him.

He sat up and raised an eyebrow. "Like bisexual? Or pan? I'm not too well-versed in the gay stuff."

I shook my head. "No, I'm a lesbian. Do you know what that means, Mike?"

"No, yeah... yeah. I get it, you don't like guys and stuff." Mike nodded.

"Then what was all that flirting for?" Another voice came from behind me. I didn't even have to look back to know who it was. But I did anyway.

"Oh, hey Emmett." I was surprised to see him, considering the only time I spoke to him was two days ago when I visited his house.

"I'll see you later," Mike mumbled. He seemed intimidated by Emmett's presence.

"I'll probably come over on Sunday," I told him. Leilani was on a trip to France so my primary plug was gone. Mike was a decent replacement.

"I'll invite some girls over." He said.

I grimaced. "That won't be necessary, I won't stay for long."

"Oh, okay. Bye." He finally left and I sighed in relief.

"He took it well." Emmett sat down in the empty chair next to me. I was glad Mike didn't notice the chair or else he would've sat in it.

"Better than I expected." I agreed. I noticed that Emmett had no school supplies or books around him. "What are you doing here?"

"I just felt the urge to talk to you. I'm pretty sure we're soulmates." He smiled.

"That would explain why I want to climb you like a tree." I bit my lip and looked him over.

He laughed and flexed his muscles for me. "I'm a pretty strong tree, I could handle it."

I winced. "I don't think you could handle me, Babe."

Emmett put his hand over his heart and groaned. "That really hurt, Bly." I laughed and shifted my body to face him. "Can I ask you something without you getting offended?"

"Depends on what the question is," I said wearily.

"Do you like Rosalie?" He asked me.

It looked like the question weighed heavy on his mind. I'd forgotten that they were together. I felt utterly terrible. It wasn't like I'd made a move on her but still... I flirted with her.

I wanted her.

"She's a great friend," I responded, concealing my guilt.

"She's an even better girlfriend," Emmett said, smiling. I felt very threatened by the indestructible teddy bear. "Oh no! No need to get scared. I'm just saying that she's great. I love Rosalie. Not as a girlfriend. But as a friend. A best friend. And I am pretty sure she'd be a great girlfriend."

"So you're not dating Rosalie?" I asked.

Emmett shook his head and shrugged. "No, we just let people think so. It keeps people... well boys from asking her out a lot. They're scared of me."

"I'm sure she can be scary enough on her own." I laughed.

"But you like that don't you?" He asked.

"I never said she scares me." I didn't find Rosalie scary in the slightest, she had always been kind to me.

"You're not scared of her?" Emmett seemed surprised. I wondered if Rosalie was a bitch to everyone but me.


"Good. That's good because she's not scared of you either. In fact..." He looked around as if Rosalie would pop out of the shadows. "Don't tell her I told you this but I think she likes you."

"I think I've noticed." Considering that she wanted to show me to her room AND invited me to a sleepover, she must've considered me as a close friend.

"Good." Emmett nodded once before he stood up. "You need a phone so I can get your number."

"I'll work on it." I laughed and waved as he left.


Emmett's adorable. I might make a story about him 🤔.

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