The Club

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I opened my eyes and groaned. The sun was shining directly into my eyes.

"Finally." Leilani chirped. I groaned due to the loudness of her voice. "Oh, sorry." She lowered her volume, but she still plopped down on my bed. "Your dad said you should leave the house."

"I don't want to," I whined.

"Well, I'm not giving you a choice." Leilani ripped off my blanket, exposing me to the rest of the world.

"Then you'll be the one getting me dressed." Considering that she was 5'2 and I was 5'9, there was no way she could.

Leilani snorted. "No need, your clothes aren't dirty."

"I advise you to get dressed." Leah stood in the corner of my room. I didn't even notice she was there.

I was quite confused that the pair were together. "Aren't you two broken up? Why are you guys bothering me?"

Leilani and Leah had called off their five-month relationship two weeks ago. Apparently, they needed space away from each... yet here they were.

"Because we want to go out... but we need someone as a buffer." Leilani sighed.

"Yeah," Leah mumbled.

"That's a terrible idea." I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Leah said again. Clearly, this wasn't her idea. Most things weren't.

"Leah!" Leilani turned around to glare at her ex.

Leah looked at her nails and shrugged. "My bad, ignore me, I'm not even here."

Leilani climbed on top of me and sighed. "What's got you so down, Bly?" I pushed her off to the side. "Girlfriend drama?"


"What happened to that one girl that collared you?" Leah asked.

"She didn't collar me." I rolled my eyes. I hadn't even looked at the bracelet since my argument with Rosalie.

"She pretty much did," Leilani said.

"We're not talking right now," I admitted. "I did something stupid and she's upset with me."

"Well get over it and come out with us." Leilani jumped up and held out her hand.

I slapped Leilani's hand away. "I don't want to."

"We're not leaving until you do. So please, give up and get up." Leah said moodily.

"Where are we going?" I sighed. I sat up and stretched out my feet before I stood up. It'd been a while since I even got out of bed. My school was on a week-long break so there was no need to go anywhere.

"Have you been eating?" Leah asked judgementally.

I rolled my eyes and hugged myself. "I haven't been very hungry lately."

"We are going out to eat before we're going to the club." Leilani declared.

"Club?" I raised an eyebrow. I didn't want to go anywhere. Let alone a club, the last thing I needed was to get intoxicated again.

Leilani rolled her eyes. "Don't worry your pretty head about it too much. Hurry up, get dressed."

Leilani sighed and leaned up against me. She wrapped her arm around me to stabilize herself. "It honestly doesn't look like you're having fun."

"Do you want to tell her?" I asked Leah.

Leah shook her head. "No, it'll break her drunk little heart."

"Tell me what?" Leilani looked up at me.

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