Twilight: Back in Forks

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"You'd think Renee would have at least waited to get on her plane until after we got on ours," Bella grumbled and she took her suitcase off of the conveyor belt.

"Her flight left earlier than ours, it was the only flight open for a few hours." I shrugged. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and walked over to where our father stood.

"I give it a few months before we drive him completely crazy." Isabella laughed. I laughed too.

"Maybe he's stronger than we think?" I ran to Charlie and hugged him. He was surprised but immediately adapted to having someone in his arms. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

I hadn't seen my father since I was ten. When Renee and Charlie split, Renee took Bella and moved to Phoenix. Leaving me and my father behind.

I only stayed with him for a year before he asked Renee to take me in due to his inability to take care of a daughter on the verge of becoming a teen. Renee had no problem with me living with her and neither did Bella.

"I've missed you, Blythe." He pulled apart from me and grabbed my arms. He sighed. "I remember when you were so tiny I used to lose you in a crowd."

"I wasn't that short." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, Bella." Charlie greeted Bella who stood there awkwardly. Neither of them was uncomfortable; they were just... awkward. It was painful to witness.

"Hey, Dad." She gave him a quick hug and looked around for his car.

The ride to Forks was awfully silent due to Charlie not knowing what to talk about. I was a bit tired so I didn't want to speak either.

"I'm glad you girls are home. It was about time, I saw you again. I wish I had reached out, I wish it wasn't under these circumstances." He sighed and briefly looked at me.

I didn't say anything.

"Well, it was mainly because Renee wanted to travel with Phil." Bella lied. I looked at her and smiled softly.

She didn't like it when people talked about it.

When they talked about my problems.

"Right... She's with Phil. Her new, baseball-playing husband." Charlie gripped the wheel a little tighter. "Does he treat you fairly? He doesn't lock you in closets right?" He asked me.

"No, Dad he's a good guy," I assured him. I wasn't too fond of Phil only because I'd rather Charlie and Renee be together. That had more to do with me wanting to live with both my father and Renee.

"That's... good." Charlie choked out. Bella looked at me and rolled her eyes. Luckily she sat in the seat behind Charlie so he didn't see her.

Charlie didn't attempt to spark up any more conversations after that.

The first thing I noticed about Forks was the gloomy atmosphere, it would fit my personality. Bella however absolutely hated it. "Is it always cold and sad looking?"

"Pretty much," I spoke from what I remembered. I doubted this place had changed since the last time I was there.

The second thing I noticed was the place had grown since I was there. For one there were three new stoplights and three diners. I wondered if the population reflected the new additions.

Charlie took us to a diner so we could get something to eat before going home. He didn't have a lot of food at home as he was always busy with work.

"What would you girls like to order?" Charlie grabbed the only menu that was placed on our table. He looked at us expectantly.

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