Shopping Trip

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I felt as though I'd lost my sanity. For a reason, unbeknownst to me, I couldn't get Rosalie Hale out of my head. There was something that pulled me towards her. There was something that made her alluring to me.

So it was no surprise to me when I suddenly asked Rosalie to hang out with me after school. What was a surprise was the fact that she actually accepted my offer.

Due to the impulsivity of my request, I literally had nothing planned. Luckily Rosalie had mentioned something about wanting to go to the mall so that's where we went.

"You know I love shopping, right?" Rosalie said as soon as we entered the mall. "We'll probably be here all day."

"We don't have school tomorrow." I shrugged. "Which store would you like to go to first?"

Rosalie smiled and grabbed my hand. She pulled me through the crowd of people as we made our way to the store. I tried not to focus on the coldness of her hand. I knew she could have had some temperature issues but this seemed... weird.

We went to a dress shop first. Apparently, Rosalie was very into dresses, which I found interesting considering the way she dressed.

"Do you like the color red?" Rosalie grabbed a sleek red dress, that brought out the slight blush of her cheeks when paired against her body.

"I do," I said. "Probably not as much as you do."

"Red's my favorite color." She put the dress back on the rack. I wondered if she liked it or not. She didn't even examine it fully.

"I can tell."

"What else can you tell about me?" Rosalie raised an eyebrow.

"I can tell that you also like white, probably blue skies, the smell of lavender, and me..." Rosalie rolled her eyes and turned to a bright pink fluffy dress.

"You're very sure of yourself." Rosalie laughed. "Do you like anything here?"

"I'm not really a dress type of person." I shrugged.

Rosalie looked at my outfit and raised an eyebrow. "I dress feminine but I prefer wearing pants."

"Hmm... good to know." She mumbled. I wondered what she meant by that. "I think we're done here."

"You're not going to get anything?" I asked.

"Not my style." Rosalie led me to another store.

"So what is your style?" I asked her. My eyes scanned the shirts and shorts that were hung up along the walls.

"I'm still figuring that out," Rosalie admitted.

"Trying new things can help. What do you think about this?" I grabbed a random purple shirt.

"Alice would kill me if she saw me in that," Rosalie said.

"But do you like it?" I asked. "Could you see yourself wearing something like this on any occasion?"

"I can't wear that."

"Why not?" I looked at the shirt. It wasn't tight or revealing in any kind of way.

Rosalie looked at her outfit. "I'm supposed to stick to something... boyish."

"You can pick something that's not in Edward's closet for once." I teased.

"I got it from Jasper." Rosalie pouted. She looked adorable and it made me laugh. "Do you think I'd look good in the shirt?"

"I think you'd look good in anything or nothing at all." I shrugged, not meaning to come off flirtatious. "What I meant to say, was that you should wear what makes you feel pretty and comfortable."

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