La Push, Baby

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I didn't even remember how Angela and Bella roped me into coming to the beach with them. I absolutely loathed the beach. The smell was horrid, seagulls were pests, and the sand got everywhere it shouldn't have been.

"I keep thinking Eric's going to ask me to prom, then he just... doesn't." Angela ranted. Bella was the only one really listening. I kept zoning in and out of the conversation.

"You could ask him. Take control, like a strong independent woman." Bella suggested.

"Would you?" Angela looked at me.

"Take you to prom? Of course." I nodded definitely. Angela blushed and bit her lip. "If I was going I would have asked you a long time ago."

"That's not what she was asking." Jessica pitched in.

I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything because I noticed Jacob running up to us.

"Bella! Blythe!" Three boys and two girls followed behind him.

"Guys this is Jacob," Bella said before turning to Jacob. "Are you stalking me?"

Jacob shook his head and laughed. "You're on my rez, remember? Are you surfing?"

"Definitely not." Bella snorted.

"Keep her company. Her date bailed." Jessica teased. Bella glared at her and her face lightly turned pink.

"What date?" Mike asked jealously. It was obvious the boy had a little crush on Bella.

"She invited Edward," Angela told him. Everyone except for Mike knew about it.

"To be polite," Bella said, embarrassed.

"Oh is that it?" I teased. Bella hit my shoulder and I laughed.

"I think it's nice she invited him. No one ever does." Angela shrugged.

"Because Cullens are freaks," Mike said.

"You got that right." One of Jacob's friends.

I shrugged, thinking about Rosalie. "Rosalie seems pretty nice to me. Do you guys know them?"

"The Cullens don't come here." Jacob's friend said. Jacob looked and him and subtly shook his head.

Bella pulled me and Jacob aside. We walked towards the water. The smell was aggravating me.

"So, what did your friend mean about the Cullens not coming here?" Bella asked. That was probably the reason why she pulled Jacob to the side in the first place.

"Oops. Caught that, huh?" Jacob moves closer to us and lowered his voice. "I'm not supposed to say anything."

"We can keep a secret. Well I can, I don't know about Bella." I dodged the shove Bella tried to give me.

"I can keep a secret." She rolled her eyes.

Jacob shrugged and smiled. "It's just an old scary story. Did you know the Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves?"

"That's cool," I said.

Bella, however, grimaced. "Like fur, fangs ... doggy breath? How does that correlate with the Cullens?"

"Well, they're supposedly descended from this, like... enemy clan. But they claimed to be different, so we made a treaty with them." He sounded pretty bored when he explained it.

"Didn't they just move here?" Bella questioned.

"They could have moved back after hundreds of years." I didn't believe so, but I wanted to add to the scary story. Bella was too into it.

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