Almost Over -29

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"Alright let's fine Sasuke." I said.

"This time space should be connected to others. So we'll have to open them one by one to look for Sasuke." Obito said.

"Ok," I said placing my hand on Obito's shoulders activating my 100 healing seal giving him my tailed beast chakra and seal chakra.

"What an incredibly vast time be able to connect them in an instant. Just who is this Kaguya?" Obito said as we checked the lava and pyramid world.

"Sense him anywhere?" I ask. Obito shakes his head and starts to clutch his eye as it bleeds. He doubles over and starts to breath very heavily.

"We can rest a bit." I say concerned. "I know this must be very taxing on your eyes."

"What about your chakra?" He asked instead.

"I still have enough..."

"Good keep enough for if worse comes to worst and we can't find Sasuke you can..."

"No, we'll find him." I say sternly. Obito readied himself.


The next world he opened had a sea of acid and it came pouring out of the opening. I quickly grabbed Obito and jumped out of the way.

"A sea of acid!" Obito said shocked. I felt a burning sensation on my right arm and quickly pulled my glowing jacket off. I examined my arm as burn wounds started to appear.

"Are you okay?" Obito asked. I nod my head.

"Don't worry about me, let's not the waste time Naruto gave us." I say dismissing his thoughts about resting and healing.

"I see you want to help him if he starts to stumble."

"What?" I ask.

"It's nothing," obito said, "next!"

I placed my hands back on his shoulders and he opened another portal. This time it was a sand world. I saw Sasuke walking in the distance.

"Sasuke!" I shout getting his attention. "Get your stupid ass over here!" He starts running very fast towards us. But suddenly my tailed beast chakra runs out and the bright green glow around me disappears. I felt my seal running out of chakra.




I thought, we were so close. Why did I have to run out of chakra now! Then suddenly the portal closed and my seal returned to me out of chakra. I felt my conscious slip as I had lost so much chakra so suddenly. My legs suddenly went numb and I fell back.

But instead of hitting hard ground I fell into a warm chest as a arm wrapped around me.

"Sasuke?" I ask uncertain as I looked up. "But how? I-I thought I..."

"I switched with your jacket," he said, "you did well, Kaiya." He held me against his chest. I gazed tiredly into the red sharingon eye of Sasuke. I start to blink slowly.

"I'm so tired..." I say slowly closing my eyes. "I think I'll just lay here a bit longer..." I said snuggling up into Sasuke chest before my mind with blank.

"Kaiya?" He said, as I drew slow even breaths. She must've used the very last of her chakra to bring me back. Sasuke thought. "Just rest a little while, I'll take care of the rest." I said to her before scooping her up in my arms bridal style and heading with Obito through the gateway back to the others.


"I won't let you," I heard Obito faintly say. I slowly opened my eyes and tried to get up. I groaned and fell back down.

"Take it easy!" Sakura said urgently next to me. "You depleted nearly all your chakra your body still is trying to recover, and this place as very heavy gravity so it is very tiring to try and fight."

"How did we get here?" I asked her.

"Naruto and Sasuke have been fighting Kaguya and she changed dimensions again sending us here. But it seems that the heavy gravity is affecting her as well." Sakura said.

Suddenly Kaguya sends two poles straight towards Naruto and Sasuke. Kakashi and Obito jumped in front of them protecting them but Obito used Kamui to save Kakashi at the last moment. Naruto tried to give him his chakra but it was no use. Kaguya them shifted dimensions back to her Time space.

I stood up next to Sakura. I looked up and saw Kaguya floating in the air.

"She shifts dimensions so easily..." I say awed at her power.

"Naruto, I'll handle the diversions this time. Obito is beyond help come with me I'm going on ahead!" Sasuke said. Naruto didn't listen and tried to save Obito but failed. With his last words telling him to become hokage.

Naruto and Sasuke began to fight Kaguya, with Naruto managing to cut off her arm with black Zetsu in it. But suddenly white stuff start to come out of Kaguya looking like a tailed beast.

"Whats that!" Sakura exclaimed as the white thing took over Kaguya's body.

"I'm not sure but we should definitely run!" I shout as a giant white hand came straight toward us after absorbing Naruto's clone up. I grabbed Sakura's hand and pulled her with me as we began to run as fast as we could out of the way. But the hand was so fast. Then suddenly we were picked up by a blue hand just has the white hand was about to get us.

"Alright way to go Sasuke!" Naruto said.

"A susano? But who?" Sasuke said confused.

"W-What? That wasn't you?!" Naruto said. I looked up at who had grabbed us.

"Kakashi Sensei!" Sakura said. Kakashi used his blue susano to throw us into it beside him. Kakashi used Kamui shuriken and threw them at Kaguya. Kaguya resumed her previous form. She suddenly made a giant black sphere similar to Naruto's.

"Kakashi can you teleport that thing away?" I ask urgently but he shakes his head telling us it was to big.

"We need to seal Rabbit Granny fast!" Naruto said, as he made a plan and began to attack her again. Kakashi left the Susano and used Kamui lighting blade to cut her shoulder. Sasuke and Naruto were so close to sealing her away but she started to fly up.

"Sakura, let's not have them do all the work." I say to her and she nods. We both jump from the susano and use a chakra filled punch to keep her in place, breaking both of her horns.

"All right!" Naruto said as they each touched her sealing her away.

When we landed back on the ground all the tailed beast and Madara were they're as well. Naruto made sure to seal black Zetsu away as well.

"The seal is complete! We can finally celebrate!" Naruto said.

"You're right! The first thing I want is a hot bath to wash away all this sweat and grime," Sakura said.

"Yeah," I said agreeing with her, she gave a warm smile back. Then suddenly she seemed to remember we were stuck here.

"Wait a minute how are we supposed to get out of here!?" She said panicked causing Naruto to panic as well.

"Oh no! You're right! This is bad! This is bad!!" Naruto shouted equally as panicked as Sakura. I gave a small laugh at how stupid they were being. Then suddenly we were summoned back into our regular world.

My Love For You |Naruto Various x Girl Reader|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz