Emmett soon walked over with several children hanging from his arms, "I know I can carry more. They just need to pile on better. Help stack them!" he called out to the others.

"They're children, not toys," Esme said as she smiled kindly at the children.

The rest joined in on the games the others were playing. They played for over an hour until the orphanage called the children back to start classes for the day. Maria and the council had been standing off to the side, waiting until they were done before they made their way over to take them to the greenhouse.

They discovered the greenhouse was right under the cliff where Serafina's home was. The cliff's direction put the greenhouse in a perfect position to have sunlight for most of the day. The greenhouse property was vast, and Serafina noticed it had a new building built with a bit more security than the last time she had been there. She was curious as to why but figured she would ask later.

Even wandering around outside the greenhouses, it was very green and well maintained. They soon found a group of people waiting for them. Serafina found they were the protégés of the old master botanist Walter that started the greenhouse. They had furthered their education abroad and returned to care for things at home after Walter's passing. Many had achievements of their own in the field now. But many people who admired these few didn't know that three were from the town. Not just that. They were former orphans. They succeeded due to their diligence in learning as much as they could from Walter while he was alive. Seeing how interested they were in these things, Walter taught them everything he knew. With his praise and La Doña's support, they could go to college. They, of course, would do everything they could to show her how they improved things.

Esme had the time of her life. She was going around admiring everything and questioning everything. She wouldn't just ask questions. When they told their methods of caring for the plants, she would chime in with her ways of caring for plants of the same type. They would begin discussing it and sometimes get lost in their conversations.

The Cullens all ended up splitting up to admire the different plants independently. Serafina and Rosalie went off on their own. They were holding hands near the camellias and roses. Neither one said a word and just admired the flowers together. Soon they were joined by Maria. Rosalie wasn't happy. She held Serafina's hand tighter.

"Doña, I was hoping we could speak with you and Miss Rosalie for a moment," she said, "Don't worry about the others. They'll be taken care of. We just wanted to let you know what happened recently with the greenhouse. I'm sure you've noticed the changes."

Serafina nodded as she followed her with Rosalie. They exited the greenhouse. They walked across the complex to the back and the other greenhouse. The guards at the entrance nodded to them as they entered. The council was waiting within with Vera Hellsing, which she found very surprising.

"Isn't that?" Rosalie began.

"I did say I wanted to speak with you again. I discovered you were here, so I hoped we could speak after this." Vera smiled.

"What is this?" Serafina asked.

"Doña, several years ago, you tasked Walter with finding out what was in the pouch. Even though the hunters didn't think he'd be able to do it, he did. He didn't just figure them out. He managed to grow them as well." Maria explained.

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