Alex's eyes can't help but to drift down Sam's body of their own accord. All it does is make Sam smile wolfishly. Alex swallows visibly before she even attempts to get any words out, "Sh- should we plan some dinner with Lena and Kar?"

Sam doesn't let it bother her that she keeps tempting the woman to no avail. She promised to be patient, and she will be. "That's a great idea. I should check in with Lee anyways to make sure L-Corp is still standing." Sam gets her phone from the living room and dials. She frowns when Lena doesn't answer. She sends a quick text asking Lena to call her back when she has a chance.

Alex takes this opportunity to text her sister to make sure that she is up for dinner plans with them. She knows that while Lena has been struggling, Kara still needs to deal with her trauma. She gets the auto response that she's out on a run and will reach out later. Alex rolls her eyes. Her sister always seems to have an endless amount of energy.

"Did you hear back from Kara?"

"No, she's out on a run. Lena?"

"No, which isn't usual when she's working. She typically always picks up my calls incase it's urgent to business matters."

Alex shrugs, "Maybe she's ignoring you since she gave you the day off."

Sam has some feeling that something isn't right, but she shakes it off. Maybe Alex is right. "Maybe we should head out for a walk?"

Alex smiles brightly at the suggestion. "Sounds perfect."

The two get ready and head out for the day. They meander more than anything, picking paths at random. They settle on a bench overlooking a lake, just enjoying each others company. Alex has her arm slung around Sam with Sam's head resting on her shoulder. They soak up the calm.

"Is that your sister?" Sam says out of the blue.

Alex squints as they see a blonde woman running towards them. "I think it is." She hardly ever runs for this long unless she has a marathon, and she doesn't have a marathon. Alex waves her down, and it takes a while to catch her attention.

"Kar! Hey!" Alex yells out.

"Oh! Alex, Sam. I wasn't expecting to see you."

"Us, either. How far have you been running? Didn't you leave in the morning?"

"Oh, yeah. I did. I'm not sure..." Kara gets distracted checking her smart watch for her stats and to pause her workout.

"Kara, is- is everything okay?" Alex asks tentatively.

Kara pretends that she didn't hear the question. "I- I should get back to my run. I'll catch up with you guys later?"

Kara's already put her headphones back in before Alex can utter a single syllable in response. Alex furrows her brows in confusion as her sister literally runs away from their conversation. She's already fully aware that something is majorly wrong.

Sam picks up on it, too, and is already calling Lena again. No answer. Sam continues to call over and over again until she can get the woman to answer the damn phone.

"Sam, is everything alright?" Lena sounds very concerned.

"I should be asking you that. You haven't called me back, or even texted."

"Well, I gave you the day off. I'm not going to talk work with you on your day off."

Sam makes eye contact with Alex and wordlessly indicates that something is wrong with Lena, too. "Well, if you had responded, you would know that I was just trying to make dinner plans with you and Kara."

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