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(I love headboards, you'll understand throughout the chapter.)


"Slow down, Dean. My birthday party isn't supposed to be messy." I rolled my eyes but smiled at him. He was drinking like crazy, if only I didn't invite half of the classroom. I liked the gifts, especially Marcella's, Avery's, Lily's, and the guys' gifts. Except that asshole Grayson, was fucking late. Let's not start with Damon, he was supposed to be here twenty minutes ago, where is he?

"Hey, princess. Missed me?" I jumped when someone snuck behind me. I turned around and crossed my arms at Grayson. He kissed my cheek and looked me up and down. I was wearing a satin pink dress that reached my thighs, I was the birthday girl, and pink was a must.

"Pretty dress, you look gorgeous." He complimented. I smiled and nodded, obviously, I looked gorgeous. "I know I look gorgeous, thank you." He surprisingly smiled at my attitude. At least someone was getting used to it.

"So, don't be mad but I got you two gifts. I swear I didn't know what to choose. You're just so special to me, princess. I have to spoil you."

"What am I your girlfriend?" I scoffed, grabbing a shot of tequila from the waitress my Dad hired.

"Technically, you are." He smirked. This is my birthday, does he have to be an asshole?

"I'll pick you up after your birthday party is over, your gifts aren't here." He took the tequila from me. What the hell? I tried to take it back but he handed it to the waitress that's roaming around.

"No drinking, today is a night to remember. Very special, my princess." I groaned at him, such a pain in the ass. Damon walked into the mansion where my party is hosted, it's about time. Grayson winked at Damon and tried to hug him but Damon dodged.

"Birthday princess first, buddy. Don't you have some manners?" Damon joked, coming up to me. Grayson scowled and elbowed Damon. "I swear to god, you're an asshole."

Damon hugged me and pecked my cheek. "Here you go, just please don't kill anyone." He handed me a box. I was curious, so I opened it right then and there. My eyes widened and I grinned mischievously. I love this.

"You bought her a dagger? God damn it I should be bought her a gun!" Grayson growled. I picked up the shiny, sharp dagger and raised it to Grayson, instead of flinching he gripped my wrist and pulled me against him.

"You'll need training, I can tutor you, princess." He smiled.

"Thank you, Damon. I love it, but will you bail me out of jail if I get in trouble?" I fake pouted.

"And leave my partner in crime? Hell no." Damon winked, walking to Marcella and the group. Grayson stood beside me, watching me intensely.

"Take a picture and stick it in your bedroom ceiling, you could watch me all night."

"Why would I need a picture when you're going to be on my bed beside me? Thanks for the offer tho, love." He threw his hand around my waist, pulling me to our friend group. If it was considered one anymore, since the accident, we had been like strangers.

"Thank you all for coming, I appreciate it," I said out of decency, I didn't want to make my friends feel unwelcome.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world, I'm so glad you're eighteen. And our graduation is so soon, I'm thrilled to hear your valedictorian speech. I know you're going to be terrific." Liliana beamed. She was the sun of our group, always blooming. Sometimes, I don't know how I became friends with such beautiful souls. The most heartbreaking thing is that I don't know if we're even close anymore.

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