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"Like I said, her father faked the news. My girlfriend isn't comfortable with it, at all." I explained to my Dad the story. My dad understood, nodding and flipping through business papers.

"I'll deal with the news. I'll pay a few thousands so they can take it off. I need you to go to your girlfriend and get more information out of her. Her father is dealing with Damon's father. And the Lars family is very dangerous. I admire Damon, but his father and his past generation are devils in disguise." Dad looked at me.

Mom walked in and smiled at me. The moment Dad saw her, he smirked at her, pulling her for a forehead kiss.

"Wait, why is Russel dealing with Lars? Aren't they rivals?" I asked my dad, not comprehending the situation.

Stella's father and Damon's dad weren't friendly either each other, both of their businesses were rivals. I didn't expect them to ally or deal together.

"I'm not sure, but Stella better watch out. As I said, Damon's father is not a good person, and Stella's father isn't any better." My dad wasn't even looking at me, he kept his gaze on my mom.

"Hey Grayson, why don't you have dinner with us tonight? We barely get to see you. Business university is coming up and then your father's business. I miss my son." Mom walked up to me and fixed my hair. I smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"Of course, mom. I'll come to dinner, but I have to go check up on Stella. The last time we saw each other, we argued." I muttered the last part.

Mom paused and sent me a glare. "I think I taught you how to treat a woman. I swear if you hurt Stella, I'm not your mom anymore. I love that girl. She is beautiful and confident. She's just so good for you!" Mom jumped with excitement.

"Not as beautiful as you." Mom was startled when Dad whispered that behind her ear. I glanced at them and paused. My parent's relationship was a dream anyone could dream of.

It was pure. At least from what I fucking see. My dad has never let Mom down, he agreed to everything she suggested, and he brings her daily gifts, even if she doesn't ask for them. I could never have a relationship like theirs, it was way too innocent and boring.

I liked the fun, I liked the chase and riding motorcycles all night. I would love a girl who would race with me and my friends, I would love to treat my girlfriend like the princess she is.

My mind froze. Princess, girlfriend. Stella is my fake girlfriend, and I call her 'princess'. What the fuck is going on with my head. The last time I saw her, I feel like I fucked up. I yelled at her and I hurt her. Thank god Damon comforted her in the penthouse. I had avoided her all week, it was time to go make it up to her. Even if she's not anything to me.

She's just Stella.

She's just the princess.

Fuck. I said goodbye to my parents and I drove to the closest sushi restaurant. I picked up a few sushi rolls and Stella's favorite soda. To make sure she was home, I called Avery.

"Hello, my sunshine." I heard her yawn.

"Are you studying?" I asked, since finals are close, I expected her to study night and day.

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