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She's too naive, too trusted, too breakable. My best friend's little sister, who is always fucking staring at me either with brightness or with annoyance. To me, she's annoying, but sometimes, she's always messing with my head. I walk into my Math class and I find everyone there. I came late, I didn't care. I already study at home for my future, these teachers suck at teaching anyway.

I sat beside Grayson who was on his phone. "Where are they?" I asked since neither Alessio nor Jaxon was here, I didn't text them since the night we had to save the 

"Didn't come, this weekend was hectic for them." 

"Avery never misses a class, since ever she's been hanging around Alessio too much, she started missing them."

"True." Grayson looked at Stella, she was sitting beside Marcella who was taking notes, Liliana was zoned out. I think the other night was hard on her, she has never seen anyone in a bloody fight. Stella has seen many fights, she's always involved somehow, Marcella has, her brother is a fighter himself.

"Miss Roseline." The teacher cleared his throat, Liliana was too unbothered, so Stella kicks her chair. "Huh?" She mumbled, she realized the situation, and looked at the teacher. "Your report card, sorry it came in late. I lost it." The teacher handed it to her. She seemed normal until her face fell. "I got A-?! In Maths? That's impossible, I answered everything correctly." She blurted. I was used to this shit, she cries when she gets anything other than an A+.

"That's good!" Stella smiled, Marcella nodded agreeing but Liliana wasn't pleased. "I give her less than a minute to storm out and she will go cry and have a mental breakdown." I smirked at what Grayson said.

"True, but you didn't show how you did the fourth equation." The teacher muttered, Liliana shook her head and all the students weren't even amused by the scene. I mean it, we're so used to this. But I guess it's Lilaianas high standards.

"She's so going to storm out." Stella blurted, and she was right. Liliana took her books and walked out. Stella and Marcella looked at each other and ran out screaming an apology, I don't know why the fuck was Grayson watching Stella with amusement and a smirk. "Don't say it." He warns.

"You want her so bad."


I walk into the backyard of our school, Grayson went to order some food for us, I thought I would be in peace but I find other people. Marcella with a guy towering over her. "You're just like your brother, slut." The guy screamed, she looked scared. Tears were falling from her eyes. Something snapped in me, I recognize the guy. An irrelevant, cocksucker from my Business class. 

I pull him by his neck. "I didn't do anything, I was here with Stella and Liliana, they went to get food and the next second I find him screaming at me." Marcella defended, she became red, she was nervous and shaking.

"I'm not blaming you or assuming. Now, go. I'll deal with him."

She looked at me with hesitation, like she didn't trust me alone with him, she knew he was fucked. "Marcella." I warned, she took a last glance and ran out, I grip the guy harder. "You little dick." I throw him on the floor. He coughed, he tried to talk. Motherfucker thought id listen to his shitty excuse.

"You know what I don't like? Someone touching her. It makes me insane, or someone forcing themselves on a lady. A fucking woman gave birth to you, so have a little decency. You can flirt, not touch. You wanna touch her? Be my guest, I'll kill you. Or her brother, but you'll be dead anyway." I kicked his ribs.

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