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Two panic attacks in between 42 hours. Guilt over hurting my brother, making my parents worry and suffer, and avoiding communicating and facing my best friends. The heartbreaking part is that, after four missed calls, and more than ten texts, Damon ignored me. I know he didn't want to, he ruined his friendship. But I needed him more than anything. I feel sorry for ruining his friendship.

I wish I only felt one type of pain because throughout every second I have not only felt mental pain and torment, but also physical pain. Panic attacks. That's what are they. Panic, anxiety, and pain. I couldn't breathe, I was shaking, I couldn't control anything. My heart ached every second. I couldn't think of myself only, but also of Damon, Liliana, Jaxon, Stella, Avery, Alessio, and Grayson. I have ruined everyone's life.

I ruined couples, I ruined friendships. Every single thing was my fault. Jaxon hadn't been home since he found out. He didn't come home, which got my parents worried, and I felt scared for him. Was he okay? Was he healthy and safe? 

Damon had been avoiding me, the pain that I felt towards not talking to him, not hearing his voice, and not having him hold me tight made my anxiety rise. I felt my breath hitch and my chest tighten. No, please. Dizziness took over my body and my eyes fogged, my body trembled and I coughed, trying to inhale any air.

I don't know my surroundings anymore, suddenly, I'm a little girl trying to get away from monsters. My throat choked and I gasped when I twisted my ankle and fell on the floor. "Marcella, please, I'm sorry. Take a deep breath." Jaxon's voice. Was he home? 

"D-Damon." I panted while shutting my eyes. Nausea. "If I call him, will it make you feel better to talk to him?" Jaxon held my hand. I couldn't respond, I couldn't even think.

My vision was too cloudy, and I don't know if time passed or not. But with every second that passed, the more dizzy I became. I felt sweat on my neck, I felt the room shrinking when I noticed more than one person was in the room.

"Should I leave you guys alone?" I heard Jaxon's muffled voice.

"Of course you will, I hit three people on my way to reach here as fast as I could." It was a voice I recognized but it was muffled and not audible.

A door closed and I looked up, still blurred. "Angel, listen to me. I'm here. You're safe and I need you to breathe slowly and take a deep breath. Focus on me."  Damon, he was here. I shut my eyes and held his hand, obeying his instructions.

"Good girl, you're okay." I softened against him when he picked me up and he took a few steps around the room. 

I leaned my head against his chest and opened my eyes. "Guys, I'm sorry for the bad timing. But Jaxon just drove to the hospital. Lily got in an accident." My mom walked in. The moment the news reached my ear, I turned to Damon.

We have to go to the hospital, now. I don't care if I just had a panic attack. I don't care if I avoided my best friends. But I have to call the girls and get to the hospital. Was she okay? How could she get into a car accident at this time? It was almost midnight, what was she doing out? Oh my god, what if she--she doesn't make it?

I was a horrible friend, I should've been there for her. Instead, I evaded my best friend. 


Damon held my hand as we walked into the hospital. "Liliana Roseline?" Damon asked the receptionist. "Floor three, on the right." She responded. We went up the elevator. Stella, Avery, Grayson, and Alessio were on their way. Jaxon appeared in our view, leaning against the wall while he had his face in his palm. 

"Jaxon, o-oh my god." I threw my arms around him. I cried in his hold, to my surprise, he held me tight. "She has to go through surgery. Her head hit the window too hard and a long piece of glass cut her stomach open. It went too deep." Jaxon informed.

I let out a pained cry. Lily has to do surgery. She can die during it or she can live. Jaxon let go of me and he glanced at Damon. He ignored him and looked behind me. I turned, finding Avery and Alessio walking in, along with Stella and Grayson. 

Stella was the first one to say, or do something. She walked up to Jaxon and slapped him. "You broke up with her. You caused this." Stella had tears slide down her cheek. Jaxon didn't react. "Y-you caused this." Stella sobbed. My eyes widened when she pressed her head against his shoulder. Jaxon hugged her back and they just stood there.

All of us were pained, and the worst thing is, none of us bothered to talk to each other. Was our friendship done for good?


I sobbed, resting my head against my pillow. We, humans, believe the hardest thing to experience is dealing with heartbreak. I think the hardest thing we deal with is letting someone go. It's been a day since Jaxon broke up with me. I couldn't concentrate during my exam today, all I could think about is Jaxon.

The worst thing is that he didn't even spare me a glance. And not only did I have to go through it but all my friends and his friends separated. Damon avoided Marci, Alessio and Avery don't talk anymore, and Stella and Grayson couldn't even have dinner together.

The funny part is that my best friends and I didn't sit beside each other today. All of us took different seats and avoided each other. It started with Marcella sitting in the front and we all took the hint. Was our friendship over? Just like that? Over one lie. One single lie can break down everything. 

Friendships, couples, love.

"Baby, please open the door." My mom said. I cried even harder. I felt pain and anguish take over me. I could not let him go. Physically or mentally. I was a shaking and a broken mess. It's my fault. I should've been an honest girlfriend.


I unlocked my bedroom door and walked down the stairs in the dark. My dad wasn't home and my mom was sleeping on the couch, waiting for me to come out. I grabbed my car keys and opened the door and left my house. I opened my car door and sat in the leather seat.

I just needed to drive and leave my house. But I knew what I wanted, I wanted him to listen to me and I needed him to forgive me. Except, I know he won't. Jaxon will never forgive me. He hates me.

All I did was drive, I sped up and let the wind hit me. Tears flew from my eyes and all I could think about was Jaxon. What made me feel even more guilty was that Marcella was probably dealing with more. I didn't bother to stop at the red light, my eyes widened when a truck came into my view. Colliding with my car. 

A painful scream left my body when something cut my stomach open, my head hitting something hard. My eyes shut just like that. Death, is what I'm expecting. 



My heart shattered, no spoilers, just grab a tissue box because the upcoming chapters won't have any fun, just heartbreaks for now. 

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