" But I miss you. You're dad only cares about the money and you're mum-"

Xavier was interrupted when I heard a bang. I looked around and saw nothing. " Uhh, I got to go Xavier. I'm uhmm... Hanging out with friends." 

"Friends, eh? One you like?" 

" What? No! Pttf..." 

"You're lying. You have a crush." He cooed. 

" Shut up! Bye! Call me soon. Love you!" 

" I got my own friend, no need to worry. Just make sure he treats you right!" 

" Wait-What? Who? Xavier don't hang up on m-" Too late he hung up. I'm going to find out who this so called 'friend' is. Hopefully, I have a good record with her or I haven't met her. As for now... I got to take care of the bang sound. I cautiously walked around. At first I spotted nothing, then I could see a foot peeking out from behind a plant. I walked over behind the plant to only be greeted by a mop of blonde hair. Niall Horan. 

" Care to explain why I was being spied on ?" I questioned him. 

" I was just getting snacks." He answered, making his way to the kitchen. I followed him. I watched as he raided the kitchen for snacks. " Who was on the phone?" He said, breaking the silence.

" A friend." I replied, popping a chip into my mouth. 

"Close ?" 

"Very. I love him till' the end if the world. Do anything if I had to." 

" Great. I like a girl who has a boyfriend." Niall muttered. 

" Hold up. What did you just say? Boyfriend? You think - that I was- he was. God no. Is that why you eavesdropped? To see if I was talking to the guy I was madly in love with?!?" Me and Xavier? Ehww, I shivered at the thought. I love him, but as a boyfriend? Uggh, that's just not us. Never in the world will that happen, at least it hasn't happened yet. "Gosh Niall. I never knew it was a crime to speak to your BEST FRIEND who lives half way across the world. I don't get it. Why can't people just except that girls and guys can be friends without it resulting in a relationship? " 

Niall looked like I just slapped him in the face. " I-I didn't know. J-just assumed." He stammered. 

" Assumed that saying I miss you and I love you to someone over the phone suddenly makes he or she your soul mate? Can't believe this." I said, rolling my eyes. I'm not mad, just annoyed. I honestly couldn't blame him. He didn't hear the answers coming from the other end if the phone just me talking. If I heard him talk like that I'm pretty sure I would've come to a conclusion similar to him. " Look Niall, I like you enough to actually come.  Don't know why I like you, but I do and if you're going to accuse me of liking every guy I talk to, I can honestly say it's going to get complicated. Anyways, the guy on the phone was Xavier. That's his name. He's from Texas but moved to Canada in third grade. We became friends after a school skating trip and haven't been separated yet. That is until now. So every time he calls I get excited and all. Friendship can take you a long way. Alright ? We good? " 

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... Yeah, we're good. So you like me? Well, I guess all that kidnapping worked out. " Niall said wiggling his eyebrows. 

I shoved him, " Just get the food and I'll get the drinks." I didn't deny that I actually liked him because I'm  confused if we're in more of a friends zone or beyond that. It's . . . what's the word . . . right. Confusing.  

By the time we got back, Zayn and Megan had gone. Guess they were all waiting for me to return so I could go. 

" What took you so long?" Zayn asked.

" I got hung up on the phone and then I helped Niall with the snacks." I replied.

" Who were you talking to?" Harry said.

" Xavier."

 " And you got off the phone that quick? Wow, that's a miracle. " Megan exclaimed.

 " It's not a miracle. Gosh. Plus, I only got off because Niall interrupted."

 " You're kidding. Niall, you are something... she's usually on the phone for hours when he calls."

 I rolled my eyes. " Who is this... Xavier, we are discussing?" Liam questioned.

 " My best friend. Sorry, I kind of jump every second he calls, 'cause it's not a lot."

 " Whatever. Back to the game! You're up next, Jessa." Leave it to Louis to change the topic fully.

"Alright, then. Where to start? Uhmm, I'm a Canadian-Indian, meaning that I was born in Canada but my background is India. And no, that doesn't mean I'm a fugitive or rebel." I said, predicting the question that was going to come out of Louis' mouth. " Uhmm, I like sports, especially hockey, though that's fairly obvious. I'm in year 12. I have a brother and a sister. I like purple. Have a very distinct taste in music. Oh, and I love reading, as well. What else? Uh, I can't think of anything."

 " Doesn't tell us much. Hey! What if we ask questions and you answer?" Liam suggested.

 I nodded in agreement. " Hmm, what about - How old were you when you had your first kiss?" Harry asked.

 Yup, ask the question that includes my love life and no one knows the answer to, here in London. I avoided until now, but eh? Who cares, can't change anything, right? Rather answer the truth, then keep a lie going. I chose my next words carefully, " I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

 " What do you mean?" Zayn questioned.

 Ahh, had to ask. I'll just come out and say it, " What I mean is that, I never had my first kiss. "


A/N - hmmm ... new character! thoughts? Xavier . . . based on mi real bestie in life xD

ohhh . . . first kiss . . . not a biggie to everyone right?

anyone willing to give me a hug? i feel a tad lonely these days . . .

anyways hope i didnt kill yuh

- le_weirdo_thanuja

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