"Have a seat."

I hurried over, before Pa decided to shove me.

The room was filled with test tubes and beakers and various machinery. This must be where Dr. Decimato had been doing his research. He opened a drawer and pulled out a small jar filled with a liquid that was a deep blue. I watched as he used an alcohol wipe to disinfect it before pushing a syringe into it. He turned it up side down and pulled back on the needle to take in the liquid.

"Today is the day I make you power mine."

I felt sick to my stomach as I watched Dr. Decimato inject himself with whatever solution he had conjured up using my blood.

A few moments passed and he just stood there silently.

"Well?" Pa's impatience and annoyance was practically tangible.

Decimato moved to grab a glass of water on his desk, but his movements were off. They weren't as certain as they had been a few moments ago. He put his hand out and the water in the cup shook slightly. 

"It takes more concentration that I thought it would," he mumbled.

His eyes brows furrowed together and water began to flow out of the cup. This man had used my DNA to make my power his own. He could do a lot of bad with this. What if he captured more Unknowns? 

The thought made me sick.

Decimato made the water turn to ice in the air. Pa was murmuring to himself as he watched, but I could tell he was a little tipsy because his words were slurred. It almost sounded like he said something about a stroke.

When my eyes returned to Decimato, he definitely was not looking good. The veins near where he had injected himself were protruding from his skin. With each passing second the area that was affected grew larger and larger. His face was beet red. 

I don't know what came over me, but I jumped out of my seat to help him. Pa quickly slammed me back and it jarred my entire body. I couldn't see straight afterward. 

"Him dying along with you will make my life much easier," Pa said.

I refused to let myself pass out. 

Decimato began wheezing and gasping for air and the water fell to the ground. I forced myself to get up, and retrieved my fork. 

"You really think that is going to save you?" Pa asked incredulously.

I didn't. But it was worth a shot.

Pa charged at me and body slammed me into the ground. My head cracked against the hard cement and before I could even register the pain, Pa was throwing punches left and right.

I jammed my small fork into his leg. He hollered.

Chronicles of the Unknowns: GenesisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon