"You can have entire conversations and the people around you won't even know what you're talking about," I answered in the same tongue.

"I think you and I will get along just fine," he said, this time in Spanish.

"Me too," I said.

I didn't worry about Jason too much. Although he only spoke English, I'd taught him a little of everything when we first met. Every now and then we practiced. Plus he could read minds. People didn't always think in words. They thought in images, emotions, sounds and so much more. He was smart enough to figure out what Hunter and I had been saying.

After a few minutes the truck stopped in front of a small house. There was a blur and then the door across from me slammed shut. I flinched and felt a surge of energy run through me as a reflex. I didn't know what the hell had just happened. Then I looked over and there was a man sitting next to me.

He looked a lot like Jake. His hair was a darker shade of blonde and his eyes were brown. His muscles were well defined and flexed visibly with each movement. I watched as he clicked his seatbelt and then leaned back with a sigh.

"Guilherme, This is Myra and Jason. Jason and Myra this is Guilherme" Hunter said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he said, his accent was very thick.

"Likewise," I replied.

"This should be exciting," he said. I could feel the excitement rolling off of him. Literally. 

It fed my desire to rip anyone apart that attacked us to shreds.


I didn't know how long we were riding in the car, but I was starting to get agitated. I knew several hours had to pass because we'd made a few pit stops and I'd dozed off.

"How long have we been on the road?" I ask.

"Going on eighteen hours," Jason said.

Guilherme cracked his knuckles at a disturbing gross speed. I gave him a sideways glance at the sound and he shrugged.

"It's taking forever to get to this place," I said shortly.

"The alternative is to get out and walk. Which we will have to do eventually, so we might as well get as far as we can while we have the means to do it," Hunter said.

I let the images of the ensuing battle play in my mind as I turned to look out of the window.


When I began to feel agitated again, I knew something was up. By the looks of things everyone else was beginning to feel the same. 

"They've found us," Jason said.

"We're going to have to ditch the car. And split up. Two of us should keep going and two of us should stay back to keep them at bay," Hunter said.

It was obvious that Hunter should keep going. The real decision was choosing who was best fit to go with him. I should definitely be one to stay back. Just as I opened my mouth to say so, Jason beat me to the punch.

"I think that I should keep them at bay. It will be more difficult for them to get through me than you all. Myra should go with you, Hunter. And Guilherme should join me. If anything happens to me his speed will enable him to run away and get to safety," he said.

I sat there with my mouth open. I didn't know if I wanted to protest or if I was simply in shock. Facing Enforcers was a daunting task. Jason could be killed. Guilherme could be too, even with his speed. I badly wanted to stay back. But deep down I knew Jason was right.

I'll be fine, Jason thought.

I couldn't lose both of them. I wouldn't.

Damn right, I thought back.

Hunter revved up the engine. 

"Jason and Guilherme, you two are going to jump out. Myra and I will stay in the car for a little while longer," he said.

Before he could even finish, I felt a gust of wind and Guilherme was gone. I watched as Jason rolled down the window and climbed onto the top of the car. There was a slight thump as jumped off and it was just Hunter and me. I climbed to the front.

"How much farther?" I asked.

"Two hours, maybe three depending on how well they can hold them back,"

I looked in the rear view mirror.

Flames burst forth and enveloped some of the trees off the side of the highway. I knew the source of those flames. It was Sakima, Salali's brother. I watched as they traveled at an unbelievable pace. Within seconds the flames were running side by side with the car. 

"Roll down the window," I said. Hunter immediately complied.

I reached over him and put my hands out just as the flames jumped from forest toward the car. A surge of energy and electricity rushed through my body as I forced it to envelop the flames. 

When the two entities connected, there was a thunderous sound. It made my ear drums pound. Shockwaves resounded and I could feel my body absorbing the energy from the fire.

There was always a euphoric feeling whenever I absorbed energy from another source. The energy from the fire was so powerful it almost sent me on a high I wasn't sure I would come back from. I sat back into my seat and rested my head against the headrest. Suddenly, it felt like everything was going in slow motion.

I glanced at the speedometer. We were going well over one hundred miles an hour. I placed my hand on the door and allowed the energy from my body to flow through the car. The car's speed increased significantly.

 A grin crept across my face as I thought about the fight we were about to face.

"Make it one."

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