Episode 11: TNB (The Night Before)

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Friday finally came around and Kitty was excited. Q knew she was since she couldn't stop asking and asking about what to get and where they were going to shop. Right now, Kitty was asking Q when he finally gave in, "Alright Kitty! Please stop with all the questions. Look we're going to a few close places to shop okay? And don't worry, just as I helped you with the dress for Minho's party, I will help you for your date with Minho. So that means, you will look very hot."

"You have a date with Minho?" 

The two friends turned around to face Dae, who had a complete shocked expression. "Yes, I do have a date with Minho. Is that going to be a problem?"

"No, it won't be. Um, I hope you have fun. But I'd be careful, he is known to be a playboy. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Don't worry Dae, I think I trust him a little more than you. Considering you couldn't tell me anything between you and Yuri."

"I promised I wouldn't! Plus, how was I supposed to tell you after you outed Minho for being the poopy baby?"

"I said I was sorry! Yes you do have a point and it was not right for me to say. But you could have told your girlfriend that you were in a fake relationship at the time. Since you know, you could lose your real girlfriend for lying."

Q did not know how the conversation escalated so fast, "Alright you two. Let's be civil right?"

Kitty huffed and walked away and Dae sighed as he left. Q looked at the two and shook his head, he thought things were okay with them.


"Oh my god no way. You have a date with Minho tomorrow?" Yuri and Juliana were excited for the two. Especially with Minho since they knew him to be a playboy for a long time.

"So what are you going to wear?" Juliana asked and Kitty told them Q was taking her.

"Q? Well he did dress you for Minho's party, he has good taste. But we're coming too." Yuri said, Juliana agreed and Kitty shrugged her shoulders. It shouldn't be a problem. What could go wrong?

The three friends started to get ready and went out to see Q and Florian talking. They were having an intense conversation that ended in Florian leaving. 

"I thought Florian was kicked out?"

"He was but I guess he's still trying to come back, at least to Q." Juliana and Yuri discussed while Kitty said nothing, she felt sorry for Q who really loved Florian. Q looked over and saw the three girls, his face immediately changed and approached them.

"Hey guys, Kitty ready to go?"

"Actually, we'll be joining too. We want to help Kitty find the perfect outfit for tomorrow." Juliana said and Q nodded his head.

"Alright guys, it's just a first date with him." Kitty didn't want them to make it a big deal, because if they did then I'm going to be more nervous. I'm already feeling butterflies in my stomach thinking about tomorrow. I don't know how this is going to go.

"Just a first date? Girl, this first date could change your life!" Yuri half-joked making the others laugh. 

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go." Q and Kitty walked together while the other two walked behind.

"Hey Q, how are you doing?" 

He knew what she was referring to, "Alright I guess. I just wish things were back to normal. But that's not possible since he's expelled."

"I'm sorry. But isn't he supposed to be back home now?"

"He is...he keeps trying to get me to come with him, wherever that is, because he 'loves' me. I think at this point, he's just trying to use me for something. He still won't tell me what happened to him that day. I just know he's in some deep stuff right now and I want to help him get out of it."

Kitty placed a hand on his arm, "I'm sure he wants out too. But right now, it seems he can't think straight. There's no point on talking to him if he isn't going to understand himself."

"Yeah you're right. I just can't help it. He was my first love."

"I know what you mean, it's hard to get over your first love." But I'm over Dae. Completely.

"Yeah." The two walked silently the rest of the way to the bus stop. 


After two hours of looking and rejecting, Kitty finally agreed on an outfit. They all sat down at a restaurant near the dorms, "Who knew shopping with you was going to be hard." Yuri exasperated as she laid her head on Juliana's shoulder.

"You're telling me. I had to do it by myself before."

"I feel your pain." Juliana sobbed as the three began to fake cry. Kitty rolled her eyes at their childishness.

"Ha ha, very funny. Anyways, let's go ahead and order. I'm starving." The four friends placed their orders and continue their conversation when Kitty looked over and saw Professor Lee with Alex.

"Oh look Yuri, it's your brother."

All eye's followed as the looked over to the two who looked like they were having a good time. Kitty stood up and approached them, ignoring Yuri's cry of 'no'. 

"Hi Professor Lee, Alex. I saw you guys over here and just wanted to say hi."

"Well, hi Kitty. Are you here alone?"

"No I'm with my friends," Kitty moved to the side to reveal the other three as they waved. Alex's smile got bigger as he saw his sister sitting with Juliana, "well I'll let you two get back to your dinner."

Kitty sat down and Yuri immediately bombarded her with questions, "So what did they say? Anything about me? Did Lee mention me?"

"Hold on Yuri. Chill. They only asked who I was with. You saw Alex, he was happy to see you."

"I know. Alex and I are cool, he's an awesome big brother. But Professor Lee...I know I'm not related to him since he's not my dad or anything, but with how things are in my family and how I see Alex with him, sometimes I wish he could be my dad too."

Juliana already knew of this but Kitty and Q on the other hand, "Have you told Alex about this?"

"No, I don't want to ruin his time with his dad. I mean they're still learning about each other and I don't want it to become a Yuri, Alex, and Lee thing. I think right now, Alex still just wants it to only them two."

"I guess so, that's understandable." Kitty was the only one who didn't join the conversation. She was already thinking of a way to get Alex to talk to Yuri, for them to be closer. Like how she is with her sisters.

"Kitty...you're oddly quiet. Please don't tell me you have something cooking up in that brain of yours." Yuri gave a 'don't you dare' look but Kitty was already smiling. Q and Yuri have picked up on her actions and knew once Kitty has something on her mind, then it's game over.

"Kitty I think you should focus on one thing at a time. Right now, focus on Minho because you have your date tomorrow. Think about Yuri later." Juliana said and the rest agreed.

"Alright fine. But I'll tell you guys my plan later." 


Ep 11 doneee~ ooo it's the night before the big dayyy. I wonder how the date will go, guess we'll have to wait and see tomorrow🤭🤭

This chapter was a little of a filler but I did introduce Yuri's feelings on her family. I wanna write about it, which I hope they will show whenever S2 comes.

I can't believe we're at 4.1k now!! Just yesterday we were at 3.5k!! I know it might not seem as much but every read counts, so thank you guys so much🥹🫶🏻 please continue to support by voting, sharing and your comments which I appreciate a lot🥹❤️

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