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"no he's not" Jude yells "how did he even change the chapter name magic or some shit like that" Tim yells *the screen cuts to black*

*BOOM* Tim gets startled, as a C4 blows up his door. "I'm bored!" Makai says as he sits down and leans back in Tim's chair. "Dude! You're getting ash on the chair! And why did you- actually I'm not gonna ask why you almost blew yourself up..." Tim says. "But you didn't answer my knocks!" Makai complains. "Yeah, because you didn't knock!" Tim yells. "Oh yeah! That was yesterday..." Makai whispers. "What happened?" The PA system booms. "Oh I just blew up Tim's,-" Makai gets cut off when Tim slaps Makai's mouth shut. "We had a misfired grenade! Sorry about that!" Tim says. "Inside a barrack?" The PA system asks. "Yeah, someone accidentally pulled it while they were cleaning the dishes!" Tim says. "Wait, wait, wait... you had a grenade inside of your sink?" The PA system asks. "Where else would we store it?" Makai mutters. "Shut up!" Tim yells. "Well, Is that person okay?" The PA system asks. "Sadly yes..." Tim says. "Okay, that's all I needed to know." The PA system says. "Bye! Have a nice day!" Makai screams. "What the- who is that?" The PA system asks. "Nobody!" Tim yells as he pushes Makai down a stone flight of stairs. "Anyways, we have a mission for you..." The PA system begins. "Okay, we'll be there in 20." Tim says. "YOU FREAKING DUMBASS!" Tim yells at the top of his lungs. "Why did you say something!" Tim asks. "Huh?" Makai asks, completely oblivious. "*sigh* Anyways, gather everyone else!" Tim orders. "Aww man! Why can't they just teleport everyone from the PA system!" Makai complains. "Because they're not interdimensional demons!" Tim says. "Hey I'm not an interdimensional demon! Interdimensional demons are so ugly!" Makai yells from downstairs. "But you are! You are the reason nobody wants to join this squad! Especially women!" Tim yells. "Wait, didn't we used to have a lady on our squad?" Nick asks. "Yeah... Candice was a-" Tim gets cut off. "Can Deez nuts fit in yo- *SLAP*". Tim slaps Jude across the face. "What the, how did you get down here so fast!" Jude asks. "It's called jumping from the balcony. Now, you might have to take me to the infirmary, because I think I broke my legs..." Tim says as he falls to the ground. "'Tis but an hour fix!" Makai jokes as he stands up. "If I wasn't a cripple, I would slap you so hard right now, your daddy would moan." Tim says. "So, are you basically saying that every time you want to slap me, all I have to do is to cripple you?" Makai says. "... That's all you got from that?" Tim asks. "From what?" Makai asks. "Teragon Squad! Where the hell are you?" The PA system booms. "Oh shit!" Nick and Jude yell as they run off. "Hey, can you help me here?" Tim asks. "Hmm, I don't know... should I?" Makai asks. "I still have the ability to use my arms..." Tim says as he reaches for his handgun. "Okay fine..." Makai says as he puts Tim's arm over his shoulder. 

War front (phantom squads journey through madness)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang