Death Training

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"All of this training is killing me" makai says wiping away he's sweat "it's good for both you and Brian you guys need to burn calories" Jude says "and you need to get taller" Brian retaliates "is that all you got" Jude says to Brian "no not at all" Brian says "then try come on roast me" Jude says looking at Brian with a smug look "I uh your so short your um UGH IM DRAWING BLANKS HERE" Brian says upset "that's what I thought fatass" Jude says to Brian with a smug look then gets back to training "CAN YOU GUYS ALSO TRAIN OR ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO SIT THERE" Tim yells at Brian makai "um no" makai says "look if you don't train then you'll get killed look at Jude and Ryan over there" Tim points to Jude and Ryan training "yeah what about those two" Brian says crossing he's arms "there training you should be two NOW GO" Tim yells "ok ok" makai says scared and gets back to training.

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