Battle 16: hells pits

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"AYO that title is sus!" Jude says. "Shut up shortstack" Tim says. "Yeah we're about to go to war idiot!" Ryan yells. "Ok ok geez calm down fatass" Jude retaliates. *we all get into the helicopter and start going towards the battle then a bullet hits the helicopter* "OHHHH HELL NAH" wolf yells and holds onto snowstorm. "Get off me dipshit we have parachutes" snowstorm says as he pushes wolf off him. "Oh yeah right" wolf says. "I'M SCARED" JYP yells. "STOP BEING A WIMP AND JUMP" Nick yells. *we all jump out of the helicopter before it explodes*. "Whew that was close" raven says as we land on the ground. "Ok JYP you stick with me because I need backup" Snowstorm says "ok" JYP says with a smile and brings out he's gun "WHAT ABOUT US" Wolf yells "ugh you raven and Nick stay together now let's do this" Snowstorm says and we all go in separate directions. "SNOWSTORM STOP THERES A MINE" JYP yells before Snowstorm steps on the mine "whew that was close" snowstorm says. "Behind you" JYP says and shoots the guy "I wonder how wolf and the other two are doing" Snowstorm says "there probably dead already" JYP say shrugging. "I'm hungry" Wolf says "shut up fatass" Raven yells at Wolf "geez someone is a grumpy bitch" Wolf says "EXCUSE ME WHAT DID YOU SAY" Raven yells "I SAID THAT YOUR A GRUMPY BITCH" Wolf yells back "CAN YOU GUYS NOT" Nick yells "know what Nick's right I'm wasting my time arguing with you" Wolf says turning away from Raven "know what whatever" Raven says turning away "good now you two focus on the mission and stop acting like fucking girls" Nick says mad "fine" Wolf pouts "whatever" Raven say's upset. "Wow Snowstorm we are kicking butt right now" JYP say's excited "yeah I think we already killed 5 squads" Snowstorm says with a smile "I wounded if the others are ok" JYP says "there probably at each other's throats by now" Snowstorm says "yeah there probably gonna kill themself" JYP says "yeah there kind of dumbasses" Snowstorm says smiling and rolling he's eyes "I can agree with that" JYP says with a chuckle.

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