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"It has been 6 days since we captured the hill! When are we gonna push forward even more?" Jude complains to Tim. "Very soon... trust me. We just need to gather our men, and prepare for another push." Tim says. "Good!" Jude says. "Why do you even want to get back into the fight?" Colten asks. "Well, I'm just itching to fire my gun again! We haven't done anything related to guns ever since the Sterben invasion!" Jude says. "Yeah... don't remind me of that..." Nick says under his breath. "Yeah... you know we hate talking about that!" Ryan yells. "Well that sucks..." Jude whispers. "What was that? You wanna say that louder?" Brian suggests. "Nah, don't feel like it." Jude retaliates. Brian and Jude stare at each other with bad intentions in their eyes. "How about we all calm down. We're supposed to be fighting Sterben... not each other." Tim says. "Fine... but this rivalry doesn't end here!" Brian yells as he storms out of the tent. "Great job Jude! You got Brian mad!" Makai says. "Shut up man! If anything you piss him off more than me!" Jude yells back. "Hmm... Touché." Makai says. "STOP FIGHTING!" Tim yells. Everyone goes silent and stares at Tim. "We did!" Makai says. "Okay, yeah... but what were you going to say after that?" Tim asks. "That he was so short that his head smells like feet." Makai says. "Oh yeah? Well you're so fat the back of your head looks like a pack of wieners!" Jude retaliates. "What did I just say?" Tim says as he puts his FN Five-seveN on his desk. Everyone goes silent and walks out of the tent slowly. "*sigh* I didn't know that you had to deal with this every day Carl." Tim says as he sits back and looks up. "This is why I don't want to be the leader." Tim says as he closes his eyes.

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