BATTLE 3: TOP DOG (Part 3)

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"I'M ALIVE!" Makai yells as he shoots up from his "grave". "Finally, we've been waiting for 20 minutes! The commander was thinking you were actually dead!" Colten yells. "Proof?" Makai retaliates. "Okay. I think we can move onto the next floor now." Ryan says. "What floor are we even on?" Brian asks. "Still on floor 1." Tim whispers. "This time we will use the stairs!" Jude yells. "But what about the elevator!" Makai complains. "NO!" Everyone yells in unison. "Oh my god! There are so many steps!" Makai complains. "Dude... we haven't even passed the first set of stairs." Carl says. "EXACTLY!" Makai yells. "Wait! shhhhh... look at the sign." Carl points out. "What does it say!" Makai yells. "Shut up! It says "from this point forward STEALTH MISSION." Carl retaliates. "And that's gotta be hard for you Makai!" Jude whispers. "Shut up batch!" Makai yells across the hall. "Shut up!" Carl whispers through gritted teeth. "The doors are open, so let's-" *BOOM* "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU FREAKING DOING!" Tim screams from the hallway. "I was making a path!" Makai yells "I literally said that the doors were OPEN!" Tim screams. "Exactly!" Makai retaliates. "Makai. I don't think you heard Tim the first time, but he said the doors were OPEN." Jude says. "Oh... that's probably why it wouldn't open." Makai whispers under his breath. "We should be ready. The enemy could be coming any minute now." Colten points out. "Huh... what does this button do?" Makai says as he pulls the trigger to a Grenade Launcher. "NO NO NO NO NO-" *THUNK* "Everybody take cover!" Ryan yells as they all run to the corner. "Where's Makai?" Colten asks. "He probably got hit by the Rubber Band Grenade." Brian says. "Makai? Are you still over there?" Tim asks as he brings out his AUG A3 9mm XS. "Damn the Fracking hurt!" Makai yells as he comes out of the dust. "But guess what! I killed most of the SED'S!" Makai happily points out. "Yeah... but you would've also killed yourself." Carl yells. "Twas a necessary sacrifice." Makai says. "Yeah so if you're dead, Brian! Defibrillator!" Carl yells to Brian. "Okay okay! I won't make any more stupid decisions! I promise!" Makai screams as Brian walks towards him. "You better, or you're gonna have so much electricity in your veins that you could be classified as a battery!" Ryan yells.

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