The note

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"You the phantom squad has been drafted for the big hell fest war in this war it's the best of the best if you stay alive and are the last ones standing you will be ranked the best team ever and if you all die well you lost dipshit your dead anyways you cannot say no to this note the helicopter that will bring you to the war will be here in two days so get ready and bring your best guns and your best skill and try not to die at hell fest" Carl reads "OH NO" Jude says "ONLY TWO DAYS TO GET READY HOW WILL WE DO THAT" makai yells with the look of defeat on his face "we're gonna have to try" Tim says "ok" Brian says with a nod "we got this" Jude says "let's start training right away" makai says "GUYS WAIT" Carl yells "what is it now" Tim says with a eye roll "only 5 people can go to hell fest only five people from each team will go" Carl says "well any volunteers" Tim says waiting for answers "I'll go" Jude says raising he's hand "ok anyone else" Tim says with a serious look on he's face "me and makai will both go" Brian says "ok that makes 4 we need 1 more person" Tim says "I guess I'll go" Ryan says drooping he's head "ok that's 5 of us me Jude Ryan makai and Brian" Tim says "we got to get to training" Brian says "and packing" Jude chimes in "then let's do just that" Tim says and we leave.

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