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"Okay Wolf, you can blow up the wall anytime you want." Snowstorm says. "Okay!" Wolf says. 20 seconds later Wolf continues to stand there. "Are you going to blow it up?" Cobra asks. "Well you said any time I want, so I'm just gonna wait a couple of years." Wolf says. "Just blow the goddamn door!" Goose yells. "Fine!" Wolf yells as he pulls the trigger. *BOOM* the door blows up. "Okay, it's time to-*BOOM*". Snowstorm gets cut off when another explosion goes off. "What the hell?" Raven asks. "What happened?" Snowstorm asks. "Oh! So, funny story, you know that C4 that I planted on the plane?" Wolf begins. "Yeah..." snowstorm starts. "Well I forgot to take it out, so..." Wolf says. "What the hell! You just blew up our only form of transportation!" Snowstorm yells. "Now how are we gonna get back!" Steyr yells. "You mean, how are YOU gonna get back?" Wolf asks.

War front (phantom squads journey through madness)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon