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"Guys, we're here!" Tim yells. "Move out of the way! Move it!" Tim yells as Brian, Jude and Tim rush everyone to the infirmary. "Hey! We need some serious help right now!" Tim yells as he bursts into the room. "Shhh! You need to keep it quiet here!" A medic whispers to Tim. "Okay, I'll stay quiet but not until you get these guys to a medic now!" Tim yells. "Yes sir. Hey! We have a code red over here! I repeat, code red!" The medic says over the radio. "We have to ask you guys to also get checked on. In fact, you left here before we could fully treat your eye Sergeant." The medic says to Tim. "So? What are you gonna do about it!" Tim retaliates angrily. "Sir, I need you to calm down." The medic asks. "No! I will not calm down! This is the last time I'm going to say this, you will heal them unless you want to be in that chair yourself." Tim threatens. "Is that a threat?" The medic says as she presses her communicator. "You bet it was." Tim says as the whole warehouse goes silent. "Security, dispatch this man." The medic calls. 4 men come in with guns and turn off the safety on their guns. "We will only ask you once, Master Sergeant Snowstorm, please come with us and put your hands behind your back!" One security guard orders. "Tim, what's going on?" Jude asks as he walks closer to Tim. "Nothing..." Tim says as he walks towards the guards and leaves the warehouse. "Let's try this again... may you please help these men? They need help immediately!" Jude begs. "Sure, right this way." The medic says. "Thank you." Jude says. "We might need more time because of the little altercation between you Sergeant and I." The medic says. "Yeah... sorry about that. He gets a little heated when it comes to us." Jude informs. "I won't judge... if something like that happened to my friends, I would be pretty pissed off too." The medic says. "Anyways, you should go check on your friend." The medic suggests. "Yeah... he could use some help with the amount of trouble he's gonna go through." Jude jokes. As Jude walks towards Phantom Squads barracks, people start giving Jude weird looks. "Is that JYP?" "Yeah... he's the one who works in the Phantom Squad!" Jude walks into Phantom Squads barracks, and immediately falls to the ground. "What the hell, why is everyone giving me weird looks?" Jude whispers to himself. "Maybe because of the Sterben attack..." Tim says from the dinner table. "What do you mean?" Jude asks. "Everyone thought we were dead. That's why they give you weird looks." Tim informs. "I guess it was the same for you. Including you had 4 security guards on you." Jude says. "Yeah... it was very awkward walking to our barracks with those goons on me." Tim jokes. "So, do you think they are going to be okay?" Jude asks carefully. The smile immediately drops from Tim's face and turns into a frown. "Forget it... Phantom Squad is dead." Tim says. "What?" Jude says. "If even 1 person dies, Phantom Squad will be no more." Tim says. "Really, what do you mean?" Jude asks. "Haven't you noticed! Whenever someone dies, or leaves this squad, we're crushed!" Tim yells. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean we won't be able to recover!" Jude yells back. "Oh yeah! Remember Damian? Rocky? Even Ethan!" Tim yells. "JUST STOP!" Jude yells. "Don't you dare for even one second that I don't remember those men! They were great soldiers, and you will never use their names in vain again!" Jude orders. "Are you giving me orders?" Tim says as he launches up from his chair and grabs Jude by his collar. "I remember so much more than you! So don't you DARE even THINK FOR ONE GOD DAMN SECOND YOU KNOW MORE THAN ME!" Tim yells as he presses Jude up against the wall. Tim is about to throw a punch when he sees how scared Jude is. Tim immediately drops Jude and walks away. "What was that?" Jude says as his voice shakes. "Nightmare fuel..." Tim says as he sits back down.

War front (phantom squads journey through madness)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat