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Heading into the area, ready for battle. Teragon Squad is ready, Snowstorm is loading the 35 round mag of his SAI GRY AR-15, and getting 5 extra magazines just in case. "Teragon Squad, get ready for departure." Teragon Squad. Most uncaring squad in battle. No mercy, no hesitation, and no casualties. *THUNK* "OW! I think you just killed me!" Goose yells as Snowstorm hits him on the head with his barrel. Never mind... anyways, they have 5 members currently. They are all part of the Special Operations section, but they made a squad inside of it. Right now, all they can hear is the spinning of the helicopter's blades, and the shaking of the helicopter. "Ready to jump, in 5... 4... 3... 2-"!BOOM!The side of the helicopter blows up. Turret fire explodes all over the place, and the cockpit gets blown off the front of the helicopter. "Get out of the plane!" The Field Marshal orders. The loading platform opens, and they get their parachutes on. They look down the long drop that is to be their mission. "We have arrived at the Sterben Base." The intercom continues. "How is the PA system working? The cockpit blew out of existence!" Cobra yells confusingly. "The PA system is recorded. As long as there is power, and a speaker to talk into, it works." Snowstorm yells. "IT'S TIME TO JUMP!" The Field Marshal orders. "Can I do a flip?" Wolf asks. "Sure... whatever you want to do. But don't complain if you break your ankle!" Snowstorm says. They line up in a line, and take a huge leap. It's time for war. "And he sticks the landing. The crowd goes wild!" Wolf jokes while bullets whiz past the group's heads. "No... that's the screams of pain." JYP says. "Buzzkill..." Wolf mutters. "Damn man... you really just ruined all of the fun." Raven sadly whines. "SNIPER!" A soldier shouts. Then we hear a click of a bullet. A thump hits the ground near Steyr. We quickly rush into the trenches nearest to us. "Well, what's the plan?" JYP yells over the explosions and gunfire. "What we should do first is keep this area under our control! So we mostly stay here, but slowly make our way up the hill!" Snowstorm orders. "Yes sir!" Everyone yells. "JYP, and Cobra, you guys go through the trenches and heal anyone who is injured!" Snowstorm orders. "Yes sir!" JYP and Cobra say. "Goose, and Raven, you guys find a cover in the ground and scope out any enemies on the beach." Snowstorm yells. "Okay!" Ryan yells. "Hey Snowstorm? Can I have some extra mags? I forgot my extras at the barracks." Goose asks. "Depends on what type of gun you got!" Tim yells. "Do you have Steyr Scout ammo?" Goose asks. "Oh yeah! I have 5 extra mags that you can use!" Snowstorm yells as he hands over the mags. "Now, Wolf, and Steyr, we gotta be on the front lines with all the others!" Snowstorm says as he jumps out of the trench. "Do we have to!" Wolf complains. "Yes! Now get your fat ass out of that trench!" Snowstorm orders angrily. "Fine!" Wolf yells as he jumps out with Steyr. "So we split up into 3 different attack squads! Wolf, you go to Friction Team! Steyr, you go to Charlie Team!" Snowstorm orders as Steyr and Wolf run off. "Now I have to get into the Delta Team!" Snowstorm whispers under his breath. As Wolf, Steyr, and Snowstorm go to their separate teams, Goose and Raven are busy killing Sterben soldiers. "Goose! There's a guy on the hill!" Raven warns. "I got him!" Goose yells to Raven. *BAM* "Nice shot Goose!" Raven yells. "Thanks." Goose says. "Hey Goose? Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Raven asks as he points his scope at the top of the hill. "They got tanks!" Goose yells as he rips out his radio. "Snowstorm! You need to get everyone out of there! There are tanks heading straight for you guys!" Goose warns. "Where?" Snowstorm asks as he looks around. "On the top of the hill!" Goose yells. Snowstorm looks up at the hill, and sees a whole fleet of tanks rolling down at them. "Oh Frack! WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!" Snowstorm screams as everyone rushes away from the hill. *BOOM BOOM BOOM* The tanks come crashing down on the beach and start shooting at the trenches. "We gotta get outta here!" Goose orders as Raven and Goose stand up and rush out of the trench. *BOOM* The trench that Goose and Raven were just in explodes in a huge blaze. "Good thing we got outta there. And just in time to! Here come the reinforcements!" Raven says as planes fly over and drop tanks into the area. "FIRE!" The commander yells as the tanks fire bullets at the Sterben tanks. "Push forward!" Snowstorm yells. "Yes sir!" Everybody yells as they rush behind Snowstorm. "Find cover!" Snowstorm orders. The soldiers find rocks and broken walls to hide behind as bullets constantly rain down on them. "Where are those snipers!" Cobra yells. "We're here." Goose says over coms. *BAM BAM BAM BAM* The bullets stop hitting the walls and rocks. "Stay down, I'm gonna check what's going on." Snowstorm whispers as he peeks his head out from behind the wall. As the fog clears, he sees that all the Sterben soldiers are dead. "Who did this?" Snowstorm asks. "Who do you think?" JYP says as he points behind them. "Hey there!" Raven yells. "Good job guys! Now come on! We gotta capture the hill and get to the top so we have the high ground!" Snowstorm yells. "Yes sir!" Everyone yells. "Charge!" Snowstorm yells. Everyone rushes up the hill shooting up the hill. "Come on! Just a couple of more pushes!" Snowstorm yells. "Take cover!" A soldier yells as grenades launch over the hill. *BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM* The grenades explode and hit some of the soldiers. "Cobra and JYP, help those soldiers!" Snowstorm orders as Cobra and JYP rush over to them. "Status report!" Snowstorm orders. "2 teams are already up on top of the hill, and they need help. Julian Squad is pushing forward, and Gunther Squad is charging up the side sir!" A soldier says. "Good job, now tell the other squads, and teams to push up with the Teragon Squad!" Snowstorm orders. "Yes sir." The soldier says as he rushes off to the other teams and squads. "Snowstorm!" Raven yells over coms. "What is it?" Snowstorm asks. "Air support coming in!" Raven says as Snowstorm hears planes come over the hill. "Everybody, stay down, or act like you're dead." Snowstorm says as everyone lays on the ground. The planes and helicopters land on the grass behind them and then load out with soldiers, and tanks. "On my count, we surprise them and finish them. 1, 2, 3!" Snowstorm yells as everyone shoots up from the ground and starts shooting. "Raven, Goose, shoot the pilots! And destroy the engines!" Snowstorm orders. Raven and Goose quickly start shooting the panicking pilots one by one, until all the pilots are dead. "Raven! Shoot the engines now!" Goose orders. *BOOM BOOM BOOM* All the engines explode, along with all the aircraft's. "Nice shooting!" Snowstorm compliments. "Thanks! Now push forward up the hill! We'll follow behind shortly!" Goose says over coms. "Okay. Soldiers! Push forward up the hill!" Snowstorm orders. Everybody stands up and looks at Snowstorm. "Can we set up camp here? We're all exhausted!" One soldier complains. "Yeah same! Why can't we rest?" A soldier yells. This sparked a whole mess of voices to rise up from the crowd complaining about how much they want to rest. "QUIET!" Snowstorm yells over the arguing crowd. "Who are your guys? I don't remember such baby's in this battalion! We are soldiers! Men! Friends! We shouldn't be arguing with each other, we should be charging up that hill and capturing the high ground! When did you guys become so soft?" Snowstorm asks as everyone turns to each other and looks back at him. "Ever since Carl died sir!" A soldier says. "Exactly! But if Carl were still here, would he be up here pushing forward? Or sitting being lazy?" Snowstorm asks everyone. "Pushing forward sir!" Another soldier says. "That's right! So I will ask you all one more time, what are we?" Snowstorm commands. "A battalion of steel!" Everyone yells. "Yes! Now I'm gonna push up, who's with me!" Snowstorm yells as everyone erupts in cheers and yells. "We truly are a Battalion of Steel!" Snowstorm yells.

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