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"Guys! I'm here with Snow-" JYP stops. "Hey, JYP? What happened?" Snowstorm walks over the hill. "What the..." Snowstorm says as he looks at Steyr, Wolf, Phantom, Cobra, Raven, and Goose lying on the ground. "What the hell happened here! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED JYP!?" Snowstorm yells at JYP. "This is it... the aftermath. Stop with the codenames. We lost this battle..." Jude says under his breath. "Quick, we have to act fast. You load everyone on the truck! I'll treat Brian so we can have an extra Medic to help!" Jude orders. "You can't order me around, but I don't care!" Tim yells as he pulls Phantom and Wolf off the ground. "Five more minutes mom" Makai groans "How long is it gonna take you?" Tim asks as he rushes Raven and Goose to the truck. "10 minutes at most!" Jude says as he quickly seals the hole in Brian's chest. "Jude, everyone is loaded onto the truck! Do you need help?" Tim asks. "Yeah! I need the defibrillator from the glove compartment. Can you grab that for me?" Jude asks. "Yeah sure!" Tim says as he runs to the truck. "Here." Tim says as he hands it to Jude. "Okay! Can you take off his vest and jacket?" Jude asks. "Already done!" Tim says as he holds open Brian's vest and jacket. "CLEAR!" Jude yells. *ZAP* "Did it work? And if it didn't try again!" Tim orders Jude. "Okay... CLEAR!" Jude yells as he hits Brian with another shock. "Again!" Tim yells. *ZAP* "*GASP*!" Brian exhales as he jolts up. "Brian, calm down! We need to get back to the barracks! Carl, Ryan, Makai, Nick, and Colten are badly hurt!" Tim orders. "Okay!" Brian says as he hops in the back. "You guys tend to them while I drive!" Tim suggests. "Yes sir!" Jude and Brian yell in unison. "By the time we get back, they should all be patched up and ready for healing." Tim whispers under his breath.

War front (phantom squads journey through madness)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat