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Heading into the area, ready for battle. Teragon Squad is ready, Snowstorm is loading the 10 round mag of his Barrett M98B, and getting 30 extra rounds just in case. "Teragon Squad, get ready for departure." Teragon Squad. Most uncaring squad in battle. No mercy, no hesitation, and no casualties. *THUNK* "OW! I think you just killed me!" Goose yells as Snowstorm hits him on the head with his barrel. Never mind... anyways, they have 5 members currently. They are all part of the Special Operations section, but they made a squad inside of it. Right now, all they can hear is the spinning of the helicopter's blades, and the shaking of the helicopter. "Ready to jump, in 5... 4... 3... 2-"!BOOM!The side of the helicopter blows up. Turret fire explodes all over the place, and the cockpit gets blown off the front of the helicopter. "Get out of the plane!" The Field Marshal orders. The loading platform opens, and they get their parachutes on. They look down the long drop that is to be their mission. "We have arrived at the Sterben Base." The intercom continues. "How is the PA system working? The cockpit blew out of existence!" Cobra yells confusingly. "The PA system is recorded. As long as there is power, and a speaker to talk into, it works." Snowstorm yells. "IT'S TIME TO JUMP!" The Field Marshal orders. "Can I do a flip?" Wolf asks. "Sure... whatever you want to do. But don't complain if you break your ankle!" Snowstorm says. They line up in a line, and take a huge leap. It's time for WAR.

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