Death Training (Part 3)

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"Ugh we train and train all fucking day" Ryan says "shut the fuck up Tim's going to hear you" Brian whispers to Ryan "I can still hear you jackasses" Tim says "you guys need to stop complaining tomorrow we are going to war with the best of the best teams we have to train" Jude says with a eye roll "yeah we already can probably win without training" makai says "look I'm not trying to scare us all but there are some good teams out there so we have to train to get the advantage" Jude says "Jude has a point" Brian says to makai "I always have a point" Jude says with a smug look "no you don't remember that time you tried to microwave ketchup for a minute and it exploded" Tim says with a smile "oh yeah I remember that" Jude says "yeah you and your shitty experiment broke our microwave" brian says "ugh I just wanted to see what happens when you microwave ketchup" Jude says with a shrug "yeah I don't think anyone did something dumber than that" makai says "actually makai remember that time that you went through Ryan's gun stash and accidentally pulled a grenade pin" Tim says looking at makai "yeah I remember that he destroyed all my guns and he still owes me" Ryan says shooting makai a mean look "well sorry for being curious" makai says "I THOUGHT WE MADE A RULE SAYING THAT WE CANT GO THROUGH EACH OTHERS GUN STASHES" Ryan yells "OK OK WE ARE OFF TOPIC BACK TO TRAINING NOW" Tim yells "yes sir" the 4 day in unison and get back to training *once we go back and pack everything we go to bed but everyone can't sleep knowing that tomorrow is war*

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