BATTLE 13: TOO BAD (Part 3)

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"Dear Sophia, Sorry that I haven't written to you in a while... I've just been very busy with the war. Anyways, how's Hyeon? Is he doing well? If he is, can he walk? I miss you guys so much... I wish that I could be there. -Your love, Tim." *BAM* "Who wants to PARTY!" Makai yells as he bursts into Tim's room waving flags, and blasting EDM music. "What the- what are you doing!" Tim yells as Makai stops the music. "I was seeing if you wanted to do- Ooooh! What is this!" Makai yells as he pushes Tim over from his desk. "Dear-" *THWACK* Tim hits Makai on the back of the head with a rubber sword, and quickly swipes the letter. "Ow man, what the hell was that for!" Makai complains. "For invading my privacy!" Tim yells. "Oh you silly donkey! There's no such thing as "privacy" in the army!" Makai says. "And why are you so secretive of those letters?" Makai asks as he sits down on Tim' bed. Tim gives Makai a glare once he sits down. "Okay, note taken..." Makai says as he stands back up. "Okay... I'll tell you, only if you never speak of this again!" Tim yells. "Yes sir! I'll cross my heart, and hope to die!" Makai yells as he makes a cross on his chest. "Okay, I didn't mean a blessing, but it's to my wife at home." Tim says. Makai gives him a blank look. "You? You have a wife?" Makai asks. Tim nods slowly. "Okay..." Makai says as he walks out the door. "TIM HAS A WIFE!" Makai yells at the top of his lungs. "What the hell!" Tim yells as he pulls out a tranquilizer. *FWIP* It hits Makai I the butt. "Oh wow! I feel like taking a-" Makai falls down. "Tim has a what!" Nick yells as he dashes up the staircase, with everyone else in tow. "Tim has a wife!" Makai says as he picks up his head. *FWIP FWIP FWIP FWIP* "Okay, I think he's down..." Nick says. "Can't stop me now!" Makai begins. *FWIP x10* "How many of those do you have?" Ryan asks. "Enough to kill a family of elephants." Tim says. "I think he's dead!" Jude says. "Never! I am a god!" Makai yells as he shoots up from the ground with tranquilizers all over his back and butt. "Okay, time to bring out the pentagram..." Tim says as he brings out a pentagram drawn with dried blood. "No! Anything but that! I just got out of there, I'm not going back!" Makai yells as he runs away at the speed of Mach 2. "I've never seen him run that fast!" Colten says. "I've never seen him run in my life!" Jude says. "Why did he run away from the pentagram?" Jude asks. "That's for a whole different story." Tim says. As he puts the pentagram away.

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