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"Who knew that the storm mission would be named Snowstorm!" Makai yells. "Shut up..." Tim yells as he loads his gun. "Remember guys, stay focused." Colten orders. The timer shows up to let the Phantom squad know how much time they have until they have to storm. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... GO! Phantom squad immediately goes to cover, as the SED'S raise up from the ground, and attack. "So they added SED'S to the mix huh? This is gonna be fun!" Carl yells. "Up on your 6!" Jude yells to Brian. Brian rolls under a hole in a wall, and shoots through it. The SED drops dead and sinks back into the ground. "We never got informed that we would be going up against targets that shot back at us!" Brian yells. "Well they only shoot back at you." Makai yells from behind a wall. *BAM* a shot goes whizzing past Makai's head. "I changed my mind, they target everyone!" Makai yells to warn everyone. "No really! Thanks captain-obvious!" Jude yells at Makai. "What are they even shooting at us?" Makai asks. "I don't know, why don't you ask them!" Brian yells at Makai. "Okay I will!" Makai replies as he walks out of cover. "Hey! What are you guys shooting-" Makai asks as a rubber bullet hits him in the chest. "Frick they hurt." Makai says as he runs away to cover. "Yeah! They shoot rubber bullets at us! They hurt more than a friggin air-soft bullet!" Ryan says. Tim quickly advances to the next section, and finds cover. "Stop arguing, and get up here!" Tim yells to the squad. "Yes my lord!" Makai says sarcastically as he runs up to Tim. "That sounds like slavery Makai!" Brian screams. "That's just because I'm black!" Makai retaliates. "Holy shit you guys are going to hell!" Jude yells. "I've got first dibs on death then." Makai says. "Tim bet you 20 bucks you can't hit a 360 no-scope!" Makai yells at Tim. "BET!" Tim runs up a stairwell, and then jumps from a window, and spins. *BAM* "Ha! Pay up! And since I headshot it, and 1-shot it, pay double!" Tim yells happily. "Well, you see I didn't think you were actually going to make that, so..." Makai says. "Fine then... I'll just have to 360 no-scope you!" Tim says to Makai. "I'm good." Makai says as he backs away to a wall. "While you guys were chatting we killed the rest of them!" Shouts, Colten. "Damn it!" Tim and Makai yell in unison. We could've killed them much faster with just the 2 of us!" Tim yells to Carl. "Oh really... got any proof?" Carl asks. "Hey! That's my line you stupid shit hole!" Makai yells. "Jeez man, calm down! It's only a line of words!" Jude points out. "Yeah. MY line of words." "Not anymore!" Carl yells from the exit. "Hey man! We haven't even got to the 2nd platform!" Ryan yells to Carl. "Wait... there's a 2nd floor!" Brian yells. "No... there are negative 1 floors!" Makai yells. "Dude... that's not grammatically correct." Colten points out. "Same difference!" Makai yells. "Dude... how did you pass the test? You have such bad grammar!" Brian says. "Whoever said that I passed the test!" Makai snaps back. "Jesus... we need to send him back to grade school." "What year of school was that?" Makai asks. "Well, shouldn't we start heading to the next floor?" Asks Carl. "Yes but we will not get shot at if we stay down here." Replies Makai. "PLEASE CONTINUE TO THE NEXT AREA." The commander orders.

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