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"Oh my god!" Jude yells. "Look at her face!" Makai adds on as he looks towards a lady. "Okay, 1 that's weird... and 2 Sterben!" Jude yells as he points towards a clearing. "RACISM!" Makai yells. "What the Frack!" Tim yells. "What! He said "Sterben!" Makai yelled. "As in the organization, not the race!" Tim retaliates. *BOOM* A shot goes whizzing past Ryan's head, and hits the wall behind him. "Get to cover!" Carl orders. Everyone rushes to nearby cover. "This was supposed to be a recon mission!" Nick yells. "Well, nothing is ever really a "recon" mission for Phantom Squad!" Brian informs. "Well, sometimes we have normal recon missions!" Ryan yells. "Oh yeah? Like when?" Jude asks. "Like the time when— actually we've never had a regular recon mission. You may continue." Ryan says as a grenade goes off. "Yay! Fireworks!" Makai yells. "Those aren't fireworks! That is blood splattering!" Colten informs. "Well thanks a lot! You just ruined the fun!" Makai retaliates. "This is no time for chit chat! We are in the middle of a battle! Phantom Squad, switch to code-" *BOOM* an enormous bomb explodes as rocks and dirt go flying into Snowstorm's eyes. "Ah Frack! I can't see!" Snowstorm exclaims in pain. "Couldn't be me!" Wolf replies. "JYP! Go over to heal Snowstorm!" Phantom orders. "Yes sir!" JYP yells as he rushes over to heal Snowstorm. "JYP WATCH OUT!" Raven screams as a Sterben sniper puts his scope on JYP. "I got you!" Steyr yells as he tackles JYP and Snowstorm out of the way just in time. "Thanks Steyr!" JYP thanks. "You're welcome!" *BOOM* "We've got to advance! When you heal Snowstorm, go up the left flank, I'll gather the others and make a plan!" Steyr yells. "Okay... this is gonna hurt." JYP says as he opens Snowstorm's eyes. "What are you gonna do?" Snowstorm winces. "I'm gonna clean out your eyes." "How?" Snowstorm asks. "By watering down the dirt so they turn to mud and fall out." JYP informs. "And I'm guessing this is gonna hurt?" Snowstorm says. "Yep!" JYP says as he pours hot water into Snowstorm's eyes. "HOLY Frack THAT HURTS LIKE A BITCH!" Snowstorm yells as the dirt drips out of his eyes. "Jesus that Fracking hurt!" Snowstorm exclaims as he launches upward. "I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to sit this battle out." JYP informs. "What! No! I have 1 more battle to do until I get to Sergeant 2nd Class!" Snowstorm yells as JYP forces him back down. "Snowstorm, listen to me! Would you rather die and never get your Sergeant 2nd Class rank, or live another day and continue working to get that rank!" JYP yells. "Fine... I'll sit this one out." Snowstorm whispers as JYP puts bandages over Snowstorm's eyes. "Hey, everyone, Snowstorm has to sit this one out." JYP says over com's. "What? Why!" Phantom asks. "He got rocks and dirt into his eyes when that bomb went off." JYP informs. "Don't worry, I'll get your revenge!" Steyr says. "Unless you die!" Wolf says. "Shut up!" Steyr yells back. "Okay, I'm gonna take Snowstorm back to the barracks!" JYP informs. "Okay, just make sure you come back! We still need 2 medics!" Carl orders. "Yes sir!" JYP yells as he gets into the Jeep and drives back to the barracks. "Dang it! I forgot to tell Snowstorm to double or nothing!" Wolf yells. "Double or nothing to what?" Steyr asks. "Wolf told Snowstorm that if he got a 360 no-scope he would pay him $100." Raven says over com's. "Hey! It was 5 cents!" Wolf complains. "Well, he switched it." Phantom yells as he shoots a Sterben soldier. "Proof?" Wolf asks. "So if Snowstorm gets the 360 no-scope you have to give him 200 smackeroonies!" Cobra informs. "What the hell does that mean!?" Goose yells. "Basically idiotic dollars." Wolf says. "So of course you should use it!" Steyr jokes. "Shut up you piece of white shi-" "Okay! We are stopping that conversation now!" Phantom says as he interrupts Wolf. "It didn't say that Wolf was racist!" Steyr complained. "I'm not racist you're racist!" Wolf says. "You were literally just racist to me!" Steyr information. "But did I finish my sentence? No! I did not!" Wolf retaliates. "You guys better shut up or I'm gonna use you as bait!" Phantom yells angrily. "Wouldn't be the first time..." Wolf whispers. "Okay here's the plan... we just go straight through them and attack the front lines and work our way back... but once we get to the middle. We split up and flank them! But we need to wait for them to stop." Phantom orders. "Okay!" Wolf yells as he starts to run up the hill. "What the hell!" Phantom yells as he rips Wolf back to the cover. "But we have to wait before we go dumbass!" Phantom yells angrily. "It would have been helpful if you said that before..." Wolf whispers under his breath. "I did!" Phantom retaliates. "Proof?" Wolf says sarcastically. "*sigh*" Phantom sighs. "Anyways, how long do you think we have to wait?" Raven asks. "It won't be easy... we have to time it perfectly when they aren't looking, so we'll need a diversion." Steyr informs. "Well when did you become the smart one here?" Wolf says. Everyone looked at Wolf with a look in their eyes. "Aww man!" Wolf complains as he gets pushed into the opening as the diversion. "Hey! Smackwood! I bet you 5 smackeroonies that you can't hit me!" Wolf yells up the hill. *BAM* A bullet goes zipping past Wolf's head and he immediately runs behind a building. "What the hell are you doing!" Cobra yells to Wolf. "I'm not getting shot at today boy!" Wolf whines. "Well, you kinda have to if you want these guys to go away!" Goose informs.

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