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"Phantom Squad, get out here. We have some important stuff to attend to." Tim orders. "This better be good, I was in the middle of my mid-day karaoke!" Makai says. Everybody looks over to Makai. "Yeah... we heard." Jude says. "Anyways, sit down. We have a guest." Tim says. "Hello there, members of the Phantom Squad." David says happily. "Hahahaha! Who is this fool with the Hitler mustache!" Makai jokes. *SLAP* "Show some respect! This is Lieutenant General David Fisher!" Tim whispers in Makai's ear as he slaps him across the face. "It's quite alright Sergeant Tim." David says in a kind voice. "Now, let's talk business." David says as he sits at the head of the table. "Phantom Squad members. I will give you 2 choices. You either join me, in my new squad, or give me control of your new squad." David says. "WHAT! So either way, we lose our squad!" Ryan yells angrily. "What? No! If you let me take control of your squad, you'll still keep it! The name will be the same, the tactics will be the same, all that's changing is that you'll have a new leader!" David says. "But I don't want a leader that looks like Hitler!" Makai complains. "Shut up you dumbass!" Tim orders. "I have one question... if we chose 1 answer, can we take it back and choose the other?" Brian asks. "If you want, sure!" David says. "Can you give us time to talk about this?" Nick asks as he gives Tim a look. "Sure. But by the time the sun rises, I will choose for you." David says as he sits up and walks out. Everybody sits at the table. Silent. "Well, what are we gonna do?" Nick asks. "I say we go for the new leader! It's better than-" *DONG* Tim hits Makai in the head with a frying pan, and Makai falls onto the table. "Ignore that nut job. What we need to do is see what it is like in the new Teragon Squad." Tim suggests. "What? Why!" Ryan yells. "Think about it! A clean sheet, A new squad, a whole redo of our lives!" Tim says. "That does sound kinda good..." Jude says. "But what will happen to the Phantom Squad?" Nick asks. "It will still be here, because we still have time to change our minds." Colten tells Nick. "Yeah, but he never said how long we could wait." Brian says. "Yes he did! He said after we finish our first mission, we could decide if we want to stay, or to leave." Tim says. "Proof?" *DONG* Tim hits Makai on the head another time. "Are you sure that's good for him?" Jude asks. "Meh, he's fine... his head is so big, I bet it didn't even reach his brain." Tim jokes.

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