BATTLE 13: TOO BAD (Part 2)

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Teragon Squad gets into position on the slope of a mountain, and waits for the Sterben recon to walk through. "Okay snipers, once you see the Sterben soldier's, rain hell!" Snowstorm whispers. "Okay, but what if we can't get a clear shot?" Raven asks. "That's what we're for!" Wolf yells. "Shut up dumbass! We're trying to stay hidden!" Cobra whispers. "So when are we going to go down there? I really want to kick Sterben butt!" Steyr whispers. "In time! We have to be patient. We'll be waiting down by the edge of the cliff!" Snowstorm whispers. "Okay. We'll contact you when we see anything suspicious." Goose says. "And you do know what the Sterben uniforms look like, right?" Snowstorm asks. "Yep! Black uniforms with red armor around them." Colten says. "Good." Tim says as he begins his way down the mountain slope. *FWIP* "Did you hear that?" Steyr asks. *FWIP* "There it is again!" Wolf whispers as he pulls out his gun. *FWIP* A large pile of dust rises up from the ground 2 feet from Snowstorm. "Everyone run! It's an ambush!" Snowstorm orders, and bullets come raining down on them. "Get to the rocks! There's tons of big ones that we can hide behind!" Snowstorm orders. Snowstorm and everyone else get to a rock, and sit down, waiting for the reload time. "Goose, Raven. Can you see anything?" Snowstorm asks over com's. "Not yet! But we'll keep an eye out for any type of muzzle flash!" Raven says over com's. "Okay." Snowstorm says. "Hey! Wolf! Throw some grenades!" Snowstorm orders. "Okay! Where?" Wolf asks. "Where do you think? Anywhere!" Snowstorm yells. Steyr can see a smile creep along Wolf's face, and he immediately knows what he's gonna say. "I'd thought you'd never ask!" Wolf yells as he pulls out 10 grenades. "Allahu Ackbar!" Wolf yells as he rushes the Sterben soldier's cover and throws them. *BOOM* A humongous explosion goes off, and it catches Raven, and Goose's eyes. "What the hell happened over there?" Goose yells over com's. "Wolf happened..." Steyr says. "Oh... that explains a lot." Goose says as he stands up and walks towards everyone else. "Did he die?" JYP asks. "Who? The Sterben soldiers?" Cobra asks. "No, Wolf!" JYP says. "Sadly not..." Snowstorm says as he walks towards the Sterben cover. Snowstorm slowly peaks over the ledge, and pulls out his gun. Everything is on fire, and everyone is dead. "Yep! They're definitely dead! Wolf really knows what to do with grenades!" Snowstorm yells. "He is the living embodiment of chaos..." Nick says. "And guess where he is now?" Tim asks. "Let me guess... in the crater?" Colten asks. "Yep!" Tim yells cheerily. "Ow..." Makai groans. "What the duck! How are you still alive?" Tim yells. "Oh that? I just think that God, and Satan just hate me..." Makai says. "Yeah, but you should be dead!" Tim yells. "Yeah, but they just don't let me..." Makai says as everyone walks up the cliff side. "What the- *HURL*" Jude yells as he barfs all over the ground. "So that's why you can run though the battlefield without dying." Ryan says. "I just thought they had a Stormtroopers aim!" Nick says. "I AM A GOD!" Makai demands as he coughs up blood. "Yeah, a God that might die soon..." Ryan says as Makai falls back down. Tim walks up to Makai and pokes him in the arm. "Dude! Your bones are basically liquified! How are you still standing!" Tim yells. "Like I said I am a God!" Makai yells. "Okay, if you're a God, take at least 5 steps up the crater..." Colten says. "Bet!" Makai yells as he begins. Makai takes 1 step, and he falls face first into the ground. "Knew it!" Colten whispers. "So, I really doubt that we're gonna be able to fix him, so what are we gonna do?" Jude asks. "Well, if he survived this, we should just be able to give him a few weeks, and it should heal up like a scratch." Tim says. "Seriously? A couple of weeks! It should take months for Makai to heal up like that!" Brian yells. "Maybe... but who knows, maybe Makai is a God." Nick suggests. "Shut up! There's no way in hell that this dip-shit is a God! He's more stupid than- actually there's nothing really more stupid than Makai..." Ryan says. "Okay, get him onto the truck, and we'll take him back to the barracks. Just make sure that nobody sees him!" Tim orders.

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