You, a Child of Sin; I, a Child of Sin | 069 |

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[ Chapter 69 || You, a Child of Sin; I, a Child of Sin ]

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[ Chapter 69 || You, a Child of Sin; I, a Child of Sin ]


For the past two days, the Armed Detective Agency has been living in a state of uncertainty after being framed as terrorists. The group was unsure of what their fate may be if they're discovered by the Hunting Dogs, so they've taken refuge in a secluded location to stay hidden. Unfortunately, they have received no updates on Kunikida's condition and remain in the dark about whether he's alive or deceased. The silence during these past two days has been deafening, permeating every moment and engulfing them entirely.

[Y/n] found herself sitting on one of the bunk beds scattered throughout the bunker. With her knees pulled up to her chest and her head resting against them, she was lost in deep contemplation. Her fingers absentmindedly picked at the skin around her nails, a small sign of her anxiety. The whereabouts of Dazai were unknown to her, and that fact alone was enough to send her thoughts spiraling. She couldn't shake the feeling that he was putting himself in danger, as he was prone to do.

[Y/n] shifted her gaze upward from her knees to the door, which creaked open with a piercing squeak. As she watched, a figure stepped confidently into the room, and she recognized him immediately as Mori. His smirk, so often present on his lips, was fixed in place as he surveyed the gathering with a calculating and malevolent gleam in his eyes. As [Y/n] watched him, she couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. Did he have plans for us? Was he considering a transfer to the Port Mafia, or perhaps plotting something even more sinister? The questions rang through [Y/n]'s mind like a chorus, and she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled heavily in her chest.

[Y/n] straightened her posture, feeling her spine align as she took a deep breath and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She turned towards him, her eyes locking onto his as she gave him her full attention, every muscle in her body poised and ready to listen. "How is life in the Port Mafia hideout?" Mori said with a smug smirk. "I ought to conceal you from the Hunting Dogs for at least a week." Yosano, who was resting on the bed, rose up, and with a glimmer of hope in her eyes, she asked, "Do you know if Kunikida survived the explosion?" Mori's cunning eyes flashed as he responded, "I have no information on his whereabouts," Mori's tone suggested that he knew more than he was letting on, but Yosano didn't press the matter. Yosano nodded solemnly, her mind racing with thoughts.

"What about Dazai? Have you found where he is?" [Y/n] asked. "Fortunately, I was able to find out where Dazai has gone. Dazai-kun was already arrested by the Hunting Dogs prior to the hostage situation. Thee Military Police transferred him to the Ministry of Justice, then to public security. His subsequent whereabouts are unknown." [Y/n] looked down, strands of her hair falling across her face, casting shadows over her features. She ignored Mori's unwavering gaze, which bore into her. With each passing second, the silence grew more oppressive until she finally spoke up, her voice barely above a whisper. "That idiot." 

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