The Bullets Trail | 045 |

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[Chapter 45 || The Bullet's Trail ]

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[Chapter 45 || The Bullet's Trail ]


[Y/n] tugged on her restraints; she had been working on loosening the knots for hours, using every trick she knew. Finally, with a sharp tug, the rope gave away, and she nearly collapsed to the ground, her hands raw and her heart pounding with relief. Adrenaline and rage coursed through her veins as she wasted no time ripping the rest of his restraints off. 

Black spots clouded her vision, and her aching muscles strained her so much that she had to hold onto the wall to keep from falling. [Y/n] took a deep breath and tried to steady herself, but the dizziness only intensified. She knew she had to sit down before she passed out. After taking a deep breath, she slowly lowered herself onto the nearest chair and closed her eyes, trying to regain her composure and steady her breathing.

As [Y/N] looked down, she realized that she was still wearing the same dress that she had worn at the Skull Fortress. It was covered in dirt and grime, and she could see the imprints of her tears staining the fabric. But even as she looked at her damaged appearance, [Y/n] knew that she couldn't afford to dwell on it.

She reached down and tore the dress in half, letting the bottom half fall to the ground in a heap. It was a risky move, exposing herself to anyone who could be lurking around any corner. But she knew that she had no other choice. With her dress in tatters and her body bruised and battered, she was prepared to escape. 

Hearing movement from outside, [Y/N] got up from the chair, stood beside the door, and listened with bated breath for the approaching footsteps. When the door creaked open, her eyes narrowed. The man let out a startled cry as [Y/n's] fist hit his face. He had no time to react as she grabbed the man by the shirt and flung him to the floor. Breathing heavily, she stood over him as he scrambled to get up and run away.

The struggle became fierce and desperate when [Y/N] seized their hands and prevented them from escaping her iron grip. [Y/N] felt no remorse as she watched the man's expression of shock and surprise as the force of her blows shook their bodies. The man groaned in pain, and the sound rang in [Y/N]'s ears as she finally overpowered him.

Gripping the man's neck with a vice-like grip, [Y/n] applied pressure with all her might. She could feel his struggles decrease as her fingers dug into his flesh, and the color of his face began to turn a deep shade of red. The man's breathing grew more labored with each passing moment, but [Y/n] did not let go, refusing to relent until she heard the satisfying snap of his neck breaking. She held him there for a few moments longer, her heart pounding in her chest, before finally releasing her grip and stumbling backward.

The sight of blood staining the man's head, and eyes filled with anguish brought [Y/n] a sense of satisfaction. [Y/n] raised her bloodstained hands to her face, trying to make sense of what had just happened. She felt a knot in her stomach as she realized the severity of the situation. She couldn't help but think back to the time she was with the port mafia and how she would torture traitors. She remembered the look of fear in their eyes as she inflicted pain upon them, and how she took pleasure in watching them suffer. 

With a sense of finality, she reached for his pockets, her fingers eagerly searching for any sign of the weapon that could bring justice to her own suffering. She felt a cold object in her hand, and her lips pursed in a small smile of relief as she realized she had found what she was looking for. The gun felt heavy in her hands, but it was a welcome weight and the symbol of her victory. With her ability currently incapacitated, she knew she needed this weapon to ensure her own safety and complete her mission. She held the gun tightly, her mind focused on the task ahead.

With a cautious approach, [Y/n] peered through the door of the dimly lit hallway. The building appeared to be deserted, but that only heightened her sense of unease. Not knowing the layout of the building or the habits of its inhabitants, she was unsure of what might lie ahead. Was someone lurking around the corner, waiting to pounce? [Y/n]'s heart raced as she tried to piece together the puzzle.

Taking a deep breath, [Y/n] slowly lowered her hand and stepped out into the hallway, her eyes scanning both sides as she tried to stay as far away from the center of the path as possible. The sound of her footsteps echoed through the empty space, causing her heart to race as she wondered if anyone was watching her from inside the building. She tried to keep her hand steady as she pointed the gun in front of her, ready to defend herself if needed.

The hallway was grand, with high ceilings and marble floors, adorned with intricate chandeliers and elegant artwork on the walls. It led to a series of rooms that were most likely equally impressive in their opulence and grandeur. She wondered how Fyodor had managed to acquire such wealth and what kind of business he was involved in to afford such luxurious living quarters.

As [Y/n] walked down the endless corridor, a noise heading in her direction caught her attention. It sounded like footsteps. Cocking the gun, [Y/n] moved to hide behind a nearby corner, trying to catch a glimpse of who or what was approaching. The sound grew louder and closer. Acting quickly, she swung open a door and stepped inside, leaving a crack of light filtering in from the hallway. She held her breath and listened as the footsteps passed by, relieved that she had found a hiding spot just in time. She was in a supply closet. The room was dark and silent, but she could hear her heart pounding in her chest. 

[Y/n] peered through the crack in the door and saw an armed man passing by; their eyes met for a split second before the man pointed his gun at the door. [Y/n] backed away from the door and stood beside it, listening to their approaching footsteps. Her finger hovered over the trigger of the gun she held tightly in her hand, ready to fire a shot. 

As the man stepped inside the closet [Y/n] pointed the gun at the man and shot him straight in the head, watching the bullet as it pierced through his skull and exited the other side, leaving a gaping hole in its wake. The sound of the gunshot echoed through the empty alleyway as [Y/n] calmly walked away from the lifeless body lying on the ground. 

As [Y/n] rounded the corner, she caught a glimpse of a figure in the distance. [Y/n] eyes narrowed as she quickened her pace, her gun in hand, ready to take them down. But as she got closer, the figure stepped out of the shadows, blocking her path. [Y/n] immediately went on high alert, the barrel of the gun aimed directly at the man's chest. "Move!" she ordered. The figure didn't budge; instead, he took a step forward, revealing his face. It was a man with pale skin, a shaved head, and electric blue eyes that seemed to pierce right through her. His grin was menacing, and [Y/n] could sense a dark aura emanating from him.

"Think you can escape?" The man taunted, his voice dripping with insanity. The man slowly raised his palms, and [Y/n] was suddenly knocked back by an invisible force. She scrambled to her feet and saw what the man was capable of — he had the ability to manipulate the air around him. "Should've known, you're a ability user." [Y/N] spat, her face contorting with rage as she brought out the gun and prepared for a fight.

The man's maniacal laughter filled the room as he shot an invisible blast of air at [Y/N], which she easily blocked with her gun. However, another, force sent her flying back into a nearby wall, where she braced herself for another attack. The man cackled and created several small tornadoes around her, trapping her in a whirlwind of destruction. The windows lining the wall rattled violently as debris was lifted off the ground and hurled around the room, and [Y/N] struggled to keep her footing. The man's laughter echoed through the room, taunting her, as he continued to attack with his unseen powers.

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