The Shadow of Darkness Descends | 065 |

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[ Chapter 65 || The Shadow of Darkness Descends ]

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[ Chapter 65 || The Shadow of Darkness Descends ]


In the stillness of the early morning, the sound of rain gently pitter-pattering against the window of an apartment can be heard. The wind howls through the gaps in the walls, creating a haunting melody that echoes through the room. [Y/n] is curled up on the couch, with a blanket wrapped tightly around her and a murder mystery book in her lap. Her fingers traced the words on the page as she lost herself in the story, oblivious to the storm raging outside. A sudden clap of thunder shook the building, which startled her, and she set her book down, peering out the window. The storm rages on, and she wonders how long it will last. 

On the coffee table before [Y/n] lay a scattering of papers and files she had been working on earlier. However, she couldn't bring herself to focus on them with the storm distracting her. Feeling restless, [Y/n] decided pour herself a glass of wine and take refuge on the couch, hoping the storm would pass soon so she could go back to her work. As she sipped her wine, she enjoyed the peace and quiet of the storm, grateful for the moment of solitude amidst the chaos.

The velvety texture of the wine glided across her taste buds, tantalizing her senses with its rich and multifaceted flavors. She savored the deep, juicy notes of dark fruit and oak, complemented by a subtle hint of warm spices that left a lingering warmth on her palate. It was a truly exceptional wine, one that she would remember for years to come.

[Y/n] let out a deep sigh as she finished the last drop of the tea, savoring the cool, refreshing taste of the wine. She leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and feeling the tension in her shoulders slowly release. As she opened her eyes, she realized that this small moment of peace was exactly what she needed to face the rest of her day. 

Suddenly, [Y/n] was brought back to reality by the piercing sound of her phone ringing. The ringtone was loud and persistent, and it seemed to be getting louder by the second. With a groan, [Y/n] kicked the warm blanket from her body and stumbled towards the side table in the corner of the room. Her phone was resting there, vibrating wildly on the surface. Without hesitation, [Y/n] reached out and grabbed it, squinting to read the number on the screen. The call was from an unknown caller.

"Hello?" she said cautiously. A voice on the other end spoke in a hushed tone, "Body...Meet me at the park in 30 minutes." An unknown voice spoke from the other end of the line. "Who is this?" [Y/n] questioned, eyes glaring into nothingness, trying to decipher the identity of the mysterious caller. The voice on the other end remained silent for a few seconds before responding, "You don't need to know who I am. Just be there," the voice replied before hanging up abruptly. [Y/n] glared down at her phone, a dark aura surrounding her. 

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