A Captured Mouse | 023 |

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[Chapter 23 || A Captured Mouse ]

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[Chapter 23 || A Captured Mouse ]


Tucked away on a quaint street overlooking the sparkling waters of the ocean lies a hidden gem of a curry restaurant. Visitors who enter will be enveloped by the warm, fragrant scents of traditional spices combined with the salty, fresh ocean breeze. The cozy ambiance of the restaurant is accented by comfortable red chairs and rustic wooden tables. The restaurant is a two-floor building, that specializes in western style food and curry.

The soft lighting and soothing sound of the waves lapping against the shore created a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. The menu offered a wide range of delicious curries, from mild to spicy, made with authentic herbs and spices. Each dish is thoughtfully prepared by the skilled owner of the establishment, with fresh ingredients. 

[Y/n] was sitting face down on the counter, surrounded by the aroma of curry being made, making it impossible to resist the temptation. A bowl of freshly consumed curry was next to her. The aroma of the curry still lingered in the air, and a spoon rested on the edge of the bowl, and a few grains of rice were scattered on the counter. The chef was skillfully adding spices to the curry pot, using a spoon to stir it. The sizzling sound of the curry being cooked was music to [Y/n]'s ears as she waited for her friends.

A cup of brewed tea was placed next to her, which she sipped slowly, enjoying the warmth that spread through her body. Before putting her head back down. The chiming of the doorbell interrupted her thoughts, and she lifted her forehead from the table by gently lifting her face to look up at Odasaku, who had arrived and was taking a seat beside her. 

Odasaku scanned the menu board, his eyes taking in the sight of the descriptions. "I hope you don't mind, but I went ahead and chose your favorite dish. The steaming bowl of curry. It should be arriving soon." Odasaku nodded as he watched the chef behind the counter move skillfully in making the food. "What are you doing here?" He asked, turning his head to face [Y/N], who drank from her tea. "Dazai-san told me to." She replied with a calm expression, placing the cup back on its saucer. "Besides, I thought might pop in to see the kids."

Not a moment later, the chef held a plain plate filled to the brim with rich, golden curry atop a heap of steaming basmati rice and a sunny side egg. The smell of the dish filled his nostrils, making his mouth practically water in anticipation. Odasaku thanked the chef, picked up his spoon, and dug into the piping hot dish, savoring the explosion of flavors in his bite. 

"How does the curry taste?" From behind the counter, the owner questioned. "As it always has." replied the satisfied Odasaku. "How are the kids doing?" He looked at the man as he laid the spoon on the bowl's rim. "As they always are. They're all upstairs, so why don't you go say hi?" The man suggested. "Sounds like a plan." While awaiting Odasaku's fulfillment of his curry before ascending to see the children, [Y/n] nodded in agreement.

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