From Injury to Feline Therapy | 032 |

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[ Chapter 32 || From Injury to Feline Therapy: The Healing of Relaxation ]

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[ Chapter 32 || From Injury to Feline Therapy: The Healing of Relaxation ]


[Y/n] slowly opened her eyes, taking in the white walls and sterile surroundings. She was lying on the comfortable bed in the agency's infirmary. [Y/n] could feel the cool breeze blowing in from the open window and the bright sunlight shining through the glass panes. 'How long was I unconscious?' [Y/n] wondered.

It took her a moment to adjust to the surroundings, but once she did, she remembered the events that had led her here. 'I never thought I'd find myself in a place like this,' [Y/n] thought to herself as she looked around. The mission had gone wrong, leaving her with deep claw wounds, and she wasn't surprised to see that they had been perfectly healed. She knew that Yosano was responsible for her well-being, and she felt grateful for having such a skilled healer in the agency.

As she looked around, she noticed Yosano sitting beside her bed, her eyes on her like how a doctor would examine a patient. "Good to see you're awake. How do you feel?" She continued. "You barely ever come to see me with major injuries, you know?" [Y/n] chuckled with a shake of her head. "I feel a bit sore, but nothing I cant handle. I'll try not to make this a habit. I plan on staying away from your infirmary." [Y/n] replied. 

As if on cue, Yosano reached for a vase of flowers on the bedside table, pointing it out to [Y/n]. "Dazai-san sent these for you," she said, with a hint of amusement in her voice as she handed them over. "He really cares about you. He hasn't forgotten about you, despite his absence." Yosano commented. [Y/n] bit her lip as she couldn't help but feel touched by the gesture, knowing that Dazai could be a little unpredictable at times but always had a soft side beneath his tough exterior.

[Y/n] took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet fragrance of the flowers, and smiled gratefully at Yosano. "Thank you," she said, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort wash over her. "I feel better already." As [Y/n] gazed at the petals, she couldn't help but wonder what kind of message he was trying to convey with the flowers.

"I have some painkillers that might help you feel better. Take them as directed on the label, and let me know if you need anything else." Instructed Yosano, as she tossed the painkillers. [Y/n] caught the bottle of painkillers and thanked Yosano for her help. As Yosano stepped out of the room, before sending [Y/n] a glance. "Remember to avoid taking these painkillers with alcohol or any other medication that may interact with them," Yosano reminded. [Y/n] huffed in annoyance, rolling her eyes.

[Y/n] tossed the blanket aside and got out of bed, feeling the chill in the air. She turned to look at the nightstand and noticed her clothing was neatly folded. Grasping the drapes, she stopped, noticing a bed draped closed with a white sheet. Nothing looked overtly wrong, but something felt wrong. Pushing aside the doubts, she closed the drapes surrounding the bed, [Y/n] got dressed. She had a long day ahead of her and she didn't know how much she missed out. As she left the room, she made a mental note to see Fukuzawa. 

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