The Whirlwind of Consequence | 067 |

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[ Chapter 67 || The Whirlwind of Consequence ]

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[ Chapter 67 || The Whirlwind of Consequence ]


It has been a month since the cannibalism incident, and life has seemingly returned to normal. However, the memory of the incident still lingers in the minds of the Port Mafia and The Armed Detective Agency. Some have even started taking precautions. Despite this, life goes on, and people continue with their daily routines. 

The days have been uneventful for [Y/n], besides the encounter with the Hunting Dog member at the park. She tries not to dwell on them and focuses on the present. However, she can't shake off the feeling of unease whenever she walks alone at night or hears a loud noise. However, she was determined to find out what the Hunting Dogs truly wanted from her and to put an end to their activities once and for all. As she waited for their next encounter, she prepared herself mentally and physically for the challenge ahead.

Kyouka stood before [Y/n], her body heaving with the effort of her intense training. She gripped her wooden katana tightly, her knuckles turning white with the strain. [Y/n] stood before her, her voice dripping with strictness as she spoke. "Your technique is lacking in tenacity," she said, her tone raking through Kyouka's body like a knife. "You need to focus." Kyouka's labored breathing struggled to reach the back of her parched throat, barely managing to keep up with the intense physical exertion of her training.

Kyouka knew that [Y/n] was right. She had been slacking in her training, letting her mind wander instead of fully committing to each movement. But now, with [Y/n]'s words of encouragement, she redoubled her efforts, her muscles tensing as she focused all her energy on the task at hand. Kyouka stands tall, her body tense and ready for the next command. Her muscles ache from the intense training, but she pushes through the pain, determined to master her technique. Her sweat stained face glints in the sunlight as she takes her stance, her movements fluid and precise. [Y/n] observes her with a critical eye, nodding in approval as she notices the subtle bend in Kyouka's knees and the way she leans forward, her grip on the hilt firm but relaxed. Kyouka knows that she must focus and push through the fatigue to achieve perfection in her technique. 

The two begin to move, their wooden blades flashing in the air as they strike and parry, their movements fluid and graceful. [Y/n]'s katana seems to move on its own, slicing through the air with a soft whisper as he strikes at Kyouka. She parries with ease, her own wooden sword ringing out as it meets her. As the training session continues, however, Kyouka begins to tire, her movements slowing and her strikes becoming less precise. [Y/n], on the other hand, seems to be getting stronger with each passing moment.

At the moment, with Kyouka off-guard, [Y/n] seized the opportunity to strike. With a swift and forceful motion, [Y/n] swung their own katana, aiming to knock Kyouka's wooden katana from her grasp. The sound of wood clashing against wood filled the air as the blades met, and [Y/n] felt a surge of power as they connected with Kyouka's weapon. With a clean and powerful swipe, [Y/n] knocked Kyouka's wooden katana from her hand, causing the girl to stumble and fall to the ground.

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