A Room Where We Can Someday See the Ocean | 025 |

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[ Chapter 25 || A Room Where We Can Someday See the Ocean ]

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[ Chapter 25 || A Room Where We Can Someday See the Ocean ]


As the evening sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow across the sky, a somber scene unfolded in the infirmary of the organization's base. Odasaku lay motionless on the bed, his breaths shallow and labored. He was fortunate to be unscathed; his body was free of any bruises.

His two friends, Dazai and [Y/n], sat by his side, their eyes fixed on him, willing for him to wake up. The room was silent, save for the soft breaths of the male. The walls were lined with cabinets stuffed with medical supplies, and a faint smell of antiseptic was hanging in the air. Dazai sat with his arms crossed over his chest, and was staring at the sleeping figure in front of him, his expression unreadable. It was clear that he was lost in thought, perhaps contemplating his next move or reflecting on past events.

[Y/n], on the other hand, leaned against the wall, watching Odasaku's chest rise and fall rhythmically, wondering how long it would take for him to wake up. She had rushed to the hospital as soon as she heard the news, and now she couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for not being there for him earlier. She was, however, relieved when she saw that Odasaku was safe. 

It had been a long day, and the two executives were exhausted, having spent hours taking turns keeping watch over their friend. The sun setting in the distance cast a warm orange glow over the room, and as [Y/n] looked out the window, she couldn't help but sigh. Her mind was still preoccupied with the events of the day, and she knew it would be a struggle to focus on work. Her papers will undoubtedly start to mount.

As the hours ticked by, the tension in the room rose, and both executives struggled to keep their composure. They knew that Odasaku had been unconscious for hours, and the longer he remained in that state, the more worried the two got. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, a faint rustle could be heard from the bed.

[Y/n] leaned in, her eyes fixed on Odasaku as he began to stir. For a moment, his eyes remained closed, and his breathing was shallow, but then his eyelids fluttered open, and his gaze locked onto the two beside him. A wave of relief washed over them as they watched Odasaku sit up. His eyes were dull and unfocused, and his breaths came in short gasps, but he was awake. 

"Are you awake, Odasaku? How do you feel?" Odasaku sat upright, the blankets slipping off his shoulders as he rubbed his eyes. "I feel like I'm experiencing all the hangovers I'll have in the next fifty years all at the same time." he sighs. "Water?" [Y/n] gestured to the glass of water on the table, where his long-sleeved beige-brown woven coat is folded neatly on the bedside table, guns placed atop it. He let out a deep sigh before reaching for the glass of water on the table and taking a long sip.

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