Reunion | 014 |

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[ Chapter 14 || Reunion ]


The darkness of the night was pierced by the twinkling stars, casting an ethereal glow over the landscape. It was as if the universe had put on a dazzling display just for me. The buildings were illuminated, and the streets were alive with activity. After spending the evening together at a different bar, [Y/n] and Dazai walked along the sidewalk.

The two pushed their way through the crowded streets. The scent of street food filled the air, and the sound of music and laughter echoed off the buildings. Dazai pointed out some of his favorite spots as they weaved through the bustling crowd. "Why do you insist on taking me to a bar?" [Y/n] asked. Dazai chuckled and replied, "Because that's where we can be ourselves and where we can have some fun. Besides, the best conversations happen over a drink or two."

A young, short girl with black hair tied into two low twin tails and wearing a red kimono with yellow datejime and patterns that appeared to be sprouts approached the two and seized one of their sleeves. [Y/n]' eyes flicked down to the girl to see that her blue eyes were very dull. [Y/n] felt a sense of concern for the girl and asked if she needed any help, but the young girl ignored her.

"Found you." As she opened her phone, the girl whispered softly. "Huh?" Purple light spirals encircled the group, as a large female sword-wielding phantom materialized and loomed over them. The two gasped in shock as they realized that the phantom was none other than the ability of the young girl. "This can't be good." The two then realized that they had stumbled upon something far greater than they could have ever imagined. Their world went dark before they could act to protect themselves.

When they woke up, they found themselves in an unfamiliar place with no memory of how they got there. Akutagawa, the voice that had been instructing Kyoka, disconnects his phone, before he stands in front of the shackled Dazai and [Y/n]. "No matter how powerful it may be, a pawn is just a pawn. What about you? Are you a pawn or the master? Or are you a pawn who is waiting to be crushed?" 


Where were they? Perhaps they were already dead by then. [Y/n]'s soul plunged into darkness, surrounded by the eerie silence of the unknown place. She tried to recall how she got there, but her memory failed her, leaving her with a feeling of dread and confusion.

[Y/n] forced herself to open her eyes after a few seconds of unconsciousness. Wearily, she lifted part of her body to stand up straight, then let out an exasperated sigh. She couldn't relieve her headache, as she had been shackled to the concrete wall. When her eyes got used to the darkness, she realized she was in a familiar underground cellar.

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