Echo| 064 |

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[ Chapter 64 || Echo ]


The cruise ship swayed back and forth as the waves crashed against its hull. The sun was breathtaking, with the sun setting in a fiery orange and pink sky. Passengers lined the deck, taking in the stunning view and enjoying the cool ocean breeze. Some even gathered at the ship's bar to sip on tropical cocktails and socialize. Despite the occasional sway of the ship, everyone was in high spirits and enjoying the celebration. 

[Y/n] stood near a pillar in the ornate hall, a glass of champagne in her hand. She gazed around the room, taking in the opulent décor and the well-dressed guests mingling about. The chatter of their conversations filled the air, punctuated by occasional bursts of laughter and clinking glasses. The chandelier hung above sparkled and cast a warm glow over the scene. 

[Y/n] wore a fitted, strapless dress with a thigh-high slit on one side. The dress had a subtle metallic shimmer that caught the light beautifully. She paired the dress with black knee-high boots, chunky heels, silver accents, and a pair of silver hoop earrings that added a touch of sparkle to the outfit, letting the dress be the star of the show. Her short hair was styled in loose waves that framed her face perfectly, and she opted for a natural makeup look with a bold red lip to complete the ensemble. 

As she turned towards the end of the long table, her eyes caught the attention of Kenji, Junichiro, and Kyoka who were huddled together in a tight knot, their whispers echoing through the room. The three individuals exuded uneasiness as they conversed amongst themselves. [Y/n] set her champagne empty glass down and made her way over to them, curious about what they were discussing. As she walked towards them, heads, turned, and all eyes were on her. When stopping, she noticed their expressions shift from guarded to welcoming, and they greeted her with warm smiles. 

"What is all this worrying about?" [Y/n] questioned with a hand on their hip, and tilting her head to the side as she surveyed her colleagues before her, one of whom was visibly trembling. Kyoka was the first to answer her, "Do you think we'll be axed as punishment, for disobeying Fukuzawa's orders." [Y/n] blinked twice, before chuckling, and shaking her head. "I highly doubt that. Besides, we had good reason to go against his orders." She paused for a moment before continuing, "But we should still be prepared for some consequences."

Ranpo's excitement was palpable as he devoured the snacks on the table, his voice rising with each exclamation. "Look at all these snacks. I'm in excruciating pain!" he exclaimed, a broad grin spreading across his face. "These are the best snacks I've ever had, and I've had them all!" [Y/n] walked towards him, the heels of her boots clicking against the floor. "Maybe you should slow down a bit," suggested [Y/n], eyeing the rapidly diminishing pile of snacks. "You don't want to make yourself sick." Ranpo waved him off, popping another piece of candy into his mouth. "Nonsense," he said, grinning through the discomfort. "I have a stomach of steel." 

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