The Black Lizards | 008 |

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[ Chapter 8 || The Black Lizards ]

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[ Chapter 8 || The Black Lizards ]


It was a peaceful day in the agency's office. The sound of typing and occasional phone calls filled the air while the employees worked diligently on their tasks. The occasional chatter and laughter could be heard from different corners of the large room. The sun shone through the windows, casting a warm glow on the desks and creating a peaceful atmosphere.

[Y/n] sat at her desk, her chin resting on her palm as she read the article on the screen. She was completely engrossed in the text, oblivious to the world around her. With occasional breaks to rest her eyes, she glanced over the words. She was so focused that she didn't even notice Yosano walking up to her until she tapped her on the shoulder. 

"What are you reading?" Yosano asked, leaning closer to get a better look at the article. "It's an article about what's new with the Port Mafia. It appears that they have been involved in some recent criminal activities, and the police are investigating their connections to other organized crime groups in the area. They've been expanding their operations and recruiting new members, according to the author." replied [Y/n]. "But it's nothing we can't handle."

"Keep looking into that. You might get important intel." Yosano advised, her eyes skimming over the article. She turned back to [Y/n] and said. "Let's gather more information on this and see if we can connect the dots with Atsushi-san's bounty." Yosano knew [Y/n] was capable of handling any challenge that came her way. Yosano's confidence in her was unwavering, and she believed that they would find the necessary information to succeed.

With stacks of books in hand, Kunikida used his foot to pry the door open. He struggled to keep them from falling as he made his way to his desk. Once there, he began sorting them by subject matter, muttering to himself about the importance of organization. "What's up with that face?" asked [Y/n].

"The brat left." He announced, slamming a the books down on the table. Ranpo leaned back in his chair and gripped his stomach, erupting in laughter. Yawning again, [Y/n] wiped away the tear and turned to Ranpo, curious about what was so funny. She couldn't help but smile at his infectious laughter.

In frustration, Kunikida massaged his temple. "He doesn't seem to be able to handle us. I'm curious as to why." Yosano placed her hands on [Y/n]'s desk. "Maybe he's just overwhelmed with the incident yesterday. Either way, we need to be patient and persistent in our approach." "It's no use, [Y/n]-chan!" Ranpo continues to laugh loudly and heartily. "Ranpo, we need to finish this task before the deadline. Please stop laughing and help us out," Kunikida said sternly. "Can you please help me organize these books, [Y/n]?" he said, adjusting his glasses.

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