"I think it'll be a very nice surprise for you to show her how much you improve. Then you can teach her by yourself. I'll bet she gets bored sitting in that backseat with nothing to do but listen to my voice," Carlisle reasoned. He then saw the hesitance on her face, "We won't go far, and we won't be gone for long. We may have to do a few more lessons in total, but we can stick to an hour or two so you two aren't apart for long. I know your bond is still solidifying. I won't keep you two apart for long."

When they returned from their talk, Rosalie went over to Serafina and explained how she wanted Serafina to only ride with her when she was an expert. She asked her to stay in their territory until she came back. She promised to keep the time apart to a minimum. Serafina agreed. When Rosalie turned around, Serafina mouthed a 'Thank You' to Carlisle. He smiled at her as he returned to the car with Rosalie to leave.

"That bad?" Edward asked as he walked over with the others.

"She'll get the hang of it," Serafina answered.

"So it was that bad," Alice giggled, "don't worry. She will be an expert in no time!"

"Nah, she's too technical. She needs to drive with her heart, not her head. It's going to take her forever!" Emmett said.

"Miss Rosalie? Miss Rosalie doesn't use her heart? I can assure you; she lets her emotions reign majority of the time," Jasper replied.

"You drive with your heart and not your head? No wonder you crashed our last car," Edward shook his head. He looked at the others, "We would have a car for us to go out around town if he didn't crash it. I doubt Carlisle will let us get another car anytime soon."

"So, this is why you were so excited that I was getting Rosa a car," Serafina gave Edward a knowing look.

"There's room for six of us," Emmett sang before Edward could answer. Edward merely shrugged. Acquiescing to Emmett's response.

"It will be so much fun to go around town!" Alice added. She grabbed Serafina's hand to drag her away once the car was out of sight, "We can go shopping and hang out at all the spots that the other people our age like to hang out at!"

"Dances, movies, diners! It'll be fun!" Emmett said as they began walking toward the backyard.

Jasper immediately frowned, "I don't know. Maybe it's not such a good idea."

"What happened to your thirst being under control?" Edward asked with a bit of attitude.

"He's fine," Alice said, standing in front of Jasper. Although Edward's eyes had to go down to look at her, Alice's expression still managed to intimidate him. It was the protectiveness. Jasper smiled at her back.

"I'm just nervous. I should be fine," he agreed. If Alice believed in him, he could trust that.

All of them sat at the picnic table in the backyard. They just talked about nothing until Rosalie came back. She joined them, and they would continue talking about nothing.

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