Chapter 36

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December 5, 2015
Christian's POV

December 5, 2015Christian's POV

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Today 7:58

Good morning. How is/was your night filming?

Pretty good. We've still got a couple hours left. I'm looking forward to sleeping.

I bet. Is filming back on schedule now?

Fortunately yes.

That's really good news. When is your final day?

December 22. Our wrap party is on December 23.

That's Christmas Eve Eve!

You remembered?

Of course. We've probably watched Friends start to finish at least 20 times.

That's true. You can come to the party if you'd like. The rest of your family and my family will be there.

Yeah I'd really like that.

When are you coming back home?

I fly home December 19.

Oh that's good timing then.

Yeah for sure.

Are you going to training?

Yeah. On our way now.

I hope it goes well!

Thank you! Good luck on the rest of filming. Not that you really need it 😉

Christian the charmer 😂

Only for you Princess


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What do you want?

I deserve that.

You deserve a broken nose actually.

That's fair. I will own that I truly deserve that and more.

Yeah. Why are you texting me?

I wanted to say I'm sorry before I see you.

When are we seeing each other?

Hannah's wrap party.

She invited you?

Yes. The rest of my family is going as well. I don't like fighting with you. You're like a brother to me.

You hurt my cousin. And this isn't the first time. I'm so fucking mad at you. Hannah doesn't cry but you made her cry. Again!

I know. I know. It's like I told Hannah, I was literally out of my mind, and I regret it. I regret it all the time.

You ignored her for a month. You only started feeling bad when you realised everyone was telling the truth that Robbie is dating your sister. You didn't feel bad before that. You thought everyone was lying to you. Honestly what the fuck?

I have no answer to that. I was so mad at everyone, but I did feel bad for saying those things to Hannah.

I don't think you understand just how deeply you wounded her. I'm shocked she's even talking to you. I told her not to.

You told her not to talk to me?

Yeah. I heard my mom on the phone with her. I texted her and told her to forget you because if you really loved her, you wouldn't have called her a bitch and a whore.

You called her a bitch too.

Yeah I did. I immediately felt bad and apologised. It took you a month to say sorry.

Look. I'm not trying to fight with you. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Hannah and I have been working on things. I wanted to make sure we're good too.

If Hannah's good with you, then I'm good. Don't hurt her again.

I won't. I swear. How are you?

Good. I'm getting ready for an open training. Chloe is coming.

Chloe as in Hannah's Broadway ensemble coworker Chloe?

Yeah. We've been talking. She's pretty great.

Glad you're happy man. Best of luck.

Thanks. Don't jinx this for me.

I've been with Hannah for five years. How is that a jinx?

You've also broken up twice in like 5 months.

Fair. Good luck at training. See you soon G.

Thanks. See you soon Chris.

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