Chapter 3

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May 31, 2015
Christian's POV

"Here we go!" Hannah grinned and squeezed his hand.

"Here we go," Christian agreed as the plane's wheels came off the runway.

Hannah leaned her head on his arm. He leaned over and kissed her quickly. His thumb gently rubbed her cheek. Her bright brown eyes were glistening with excitement, and he knew why.

Hannah hadn't ever been on a cruise before. She was excited to get on the boat and then also visit the Bahamas. Hannah loved vacationing anywhere that had a beach. She said there was nothing more relaxing than laying on a beach and listening to the ocean.

"So," Christian started.

"So?" Hannah echoed with a little giggle.

"I have some exciting news!"

"Yeah? Tell me," Hannah turned in to face him.

"My dad and I are moving to Germany."

"Are you serious? It's a done deal?" Hannah's eyes widened.

"Yeah! We're heading to Dortmund a week after we get back from the cruise. Dad is going to be the new U-15 coach."

"Are you joining the U-15s?" Hannah tilted her head.

"No no. I'm signing with the U-17s," he shook his head, "God I'm so excited! This is going to be such a good thing for my career!"

"I'm so proud of you. You deserve this, Chris," Hannah hugged him.

"Thanks, Han."

He buried his face in her neck. She rubbed his back. When they pulled apart, he could see the pride in eyes. He could also see something else, but he couldn't quite place what it was. Hannah leaned forward and kissed him. He kissed back and ran his fingers through her hair.

"Will you go with us to Dortmund when I sign my contract?"

"Of course," she responded immediately.

"Is everyone going?"

"No. Just me and Dad."

"Do you already have a house?"

"Not yet. The club is putting us up in a condo while we're there. I thought you could help us choose a house."

"Oh wow."

"I'm so excited!"

"Me too," Hannah said, but it felt forced.

Christian wasn't sure what it was, but she wasn't as excited as he thought she would and should be. He didn't understand what was going on with his girlfriend of nearly five years. He couldn't imagine why she would be upset. He had been saving this to tell her in person.

"This is an incredible opportunity for you," she leaned forward and kissed him.

He kissed her back deeply, "thanks, Hannah. I can't wait to have you by my side for these next steps."

Hannah nodded and then leaned into him, "I'm sleepy."

"Okay. I'm right here."

Hannah snuggled in closer. He wrapped his arms around her. Christian leaned down and grabbed the blanket out of his backpack. It wasn't huge, but it was big enough to cover both of them. He tucked the blanket around them. Hannah murmured a 'thank you'. He could tell that she was already almost asleep.

"Sleep well, Princess."

Christian waited until he knew his girlfriend was definitely sleeping before pulling out his phone. He plugged in his ear buds and started playing his Quinn XCII playlist. He closed his eyes.

Christian was excited to get uninterrupted time with Hannah during the cruise. It had taken a lot of convincing, but they finally were allowed to share a room. They had already started planning things to do together. They were basically going to be attached at the hip.

Christian started imagining their life together in Dortmund. He knew they were young, but they had known each other for most of their lives. He was sure that Hannah would come to Germany with him.

It would be great to be together more. He always missed her whenever they were apart. They FaceTimed every day, but it wasn't the same. Hannah's two main love languages were physical touch and quality time. Being in Germany together would give them all the time in the world.

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