Chapter 19

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July 6, 2015
Hannah's POV

Hannah stood to the side as she watched Christian sign his contract. Mark was on his left, and his coach was on his right. She was bursting with pride. She knew how hard Christian had been working, and coming to Europe was his dream. She knew it would launch his career.

Hannah crossed her right leg in front of her left leg. She was in a black dress that stopped just above her knees. It was fitted at the top and flared at the waist. She added thick yellow sash around her waist. Hannah chose yellow heels and a big yellow bow in her hair. She wanted to look nice and also be in the team colours. Christian's eyes had lit up when he saw her outfit. He looked professional in his black suit with a plain white button down and his favourite Nike Air Force Ones.

Christian's eyes flickered over to Hannah. She made eye contact with him. The smile on his face stretched out to a grin. She blew a kiss to him. Christian winked which made her cheeks flush. She bit her lip and smiled at him.

Christian stood up and posed for pictures with his dad and coach. Hannah clapped quietly for him. She couldn't even begin to put into words how proud of him she was. It was an incredible opportunity to launch his career. As sad as she was to have him so far away, Hannah knew this was what needed to happen in order for him to become the star she knew he was destined to be.

"Hannah! Come 'ere!" Christian waved his hand.

Hannah moved away from the wall. She was very aware of all the photographers. She couldn't help but jump into his arms. He lifted her up and spun her around. He carefully set her back down on her feet. His fingers wove together on the small of her back.

Hannah placed a hand on his cheek, "you did it, Tiger! You're in Europe to play soccer! I'm so freakin' proud of you."

"We did it, Princess," Christian smiled back before kissing her.

Hannah hugged him again before posing for pictures with everyone. They were told that it was time for Christian to head down into the locker room. He would change into his training gear and then do an interview on the training pitch. Christian held Hannah's hand tightly as they were escorted to the locker rooms.

He gave her kiss on the cheek before going to change. Hannah stood next to Mark. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders in a side hug. Hannah smiled and hugged him back.

"I'm really glad you're here with us, Han," he murmured, "I know it means a lot to Christian."

"I can't imagine being anywhere else. Thank you for inviting me," Hannah smiled, "you must be so proud."

"Of course. This is absolutely incredible. He's been working so hard."

"I'm happy for you too, Mark. I know you love coaching, and I'm sure that the U-10s are thrilled to have you."

"That's very kind of you to say," he chuckled, "no wonder Christian is head over heels in love with you."

It was Hannah's turn to giggle, "I feel the same way about him. When did you know that me and Chris would end up together?"

"Oh it was obvious when you two were like six. Always together, holding hands. Christian was always playing with your hair," Mark smiled wistfully, "you always tried to play soccer with him."

"I'm certain that I was terrible. I swear every Reyna got the soccer gene except for me."

"I would agree with that. But you still tried. Christian loved teaching you. You tried to teach him ballet and how to sing. He was terrible at that. You two were like peas in a pod. Hannah and Christian. Christian and Hannah. Always together. And then when he told Kelley and I that he wanted to ask Claudio for permission to marry you, we knew that was it."

Hannah smiled and shook her head, "I still have that paper ring."


"Of course. I keep it close," Hannah opened up the black clutch she brought. She unzipped a small pocket and pulled out the construction paper ring.

"Wow," Mark smiled, "that brings back so many memories. You've always been part of the family."

"I love your family, Mark. I'm really grateful to all of you. You know I don't really have a relationship with my parents, so I'm thankful for you."

"We love you," Mark said simply as Christian walked back out.

"Hey," Christian walked over to them, "what are you talking about?"

"It's a secret," Mark smirked, "right, Han?"

"Can't tell you, babe."

Christian rolled his eyes and gave Hannah a quick kiss before sitting down on the bench. Hannah pulled her phone out so she could get a video of him unboxing his jersey for the first time.

He pulled his jersey out of the box and looked it over. He turned it over and covered his mouth when he saw 'Pulisic' on the back. Hannah clapped a little seeing it as well. She looked up at Mark and saw that he was just as proud.

"Hold it up!" One of the photographers said.

Hannah made sure to snap a couple pictures of that for them. She placed a hand over her heart. It was truly a day to remember.

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Liked by robbiekay71 stellapulisic and hundreds of others

hannahreyna CONGRATULATIONS BABY! I'm so proud of you for achieving your dream of playing in Europe. I know you're going to do incredible! I love you forever Tiger 🐅💛🖤 #HejaBVB #proudgirlfriend

👥 cmpulisic markpulisic bvb09 blackyellow

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