Chapter 15

129 4 15

June 20, 2015
Christian's POV

"Okay. Have so much fun! We'll see you when you get back!" Kelley pulled Christian into a hug.

"Mom, we're gonna be in LA for like 3 days," Christian rolled his eyes.

"I know," she pinched his cheek.

"Mom, mom! Stop that!" He bat her hand away.

"Bye, Hannah. I'll see you soon," Kelley hugged his girlfriend.

"See you soon!" Hannah echoed, hugging her tightly.

"See you later, G," Christian smacked Gio on the shoulder.

"Later, Chris."

Christian watched as Hannah hugged Stella before giving her cousins hugs. The Reynas went one way, and the Pulisics went another. Hannah, Danielle, and Christian went their own separate way.

Danielle was busy on a phone call as they made their way to the gate. Christian held Hannah's hand tightly. She swung their hands along as they walked. She had a bounce in her step, and he knew it was because she was excited. He couldn't help but twirl her around before pulling her into his chest for a quick hug and kiss. She beamed up at him.

"I love youuuuuu," she giggled.

"I love youuuuu too," he kissed her forehead as they started walking again.

Christian was excited to be going to LA with Hannah and Danielle. He knew that Hannah had been trying hard to get into modelling around her busy Broadway schedule. New York had a lot of runway modelling opportunities, but his girlfriend was on the shorter side.

He was especially proud of her movie. It sounded like it was going to be a great one! She had gotten the script when they were sheltering from the storm. She had already started rehearsing lines. Christian had helped her read through them.

"Chris! They have a boba place! Let's go," Hannah suddenly tugged on his hand towards one of the restaurants.

"As you wish," he chuckled.

They got in line and looked at the menu. They both ordered drinks and taiyaki. Hannah hugged Christian while they waited. He smiled and rubbed her back.


They went and got their order before walking back towards their gate. When they got there, Danielle was already sitting down with her lap top out. Hannah sat down next to her aunt, and Christian took his place next to Hannah.

"Get something good?" Danielle asked without looking up.

"We got mango slushie bobas and chocolate waffle fish," Hannah grinned.

"Nice. Oh, I wanted to tell you. There's been a couple changes in the casting of the movie."

Hannah's face fell as she gripped his hand, and she became more serious, "do they still want me?"

"Oh yes yes. They still want you. They switched out most of the men. They had to pull out because of scheduling conflicts. The role of Tyler is now going to be played by Robbie Kay, while Justin will now be played by Henry Cavill."

"HENRY CAVILL?!" Hannah almost screeched before slapping a hand over her mouth, "Auntie! Are you telling me I get to do a movie with SUPERMAN?!"

"Yes," Danielle nodded, "I know you will be the utmost professional."

"Absolutely," Hannah nodded.

"Good," Danielle smiled.

Hannah turned to Christian with wide eyes, "Chris! This is huge! Henry Cavill!" She squealed.

"I'm happy for you, Princess," he smiled and kissed her cheek, "this is big!"

"Thank you."

Christian pressed their forehead together and rubbed her cheek, "I'm so proud of you. You deserve this."

"I couldn't have done this without you."

"Yes you could. You're so strong and smart and talented. I'm lucky to get to watch you work," Christian kissed her nose.

"I'm proud of you too, Christian. I know going to Europe has been your dream since forever. And now you're doing it! We're doing it. We're doing our dreams."

"It's not my dream without you, Princess."

"We'll be the best power couple this world has ever seen!"

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